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Emotional Wreck

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Just hang in there, take things as they come, an hour at a time, a day at a time. Do things for distraction, hang out with friends. Things WILL improve in the future even though it all seems dark, desolate and bleak right now. I know it's really tough to think that way, so just concentrate on the things you have to now, and tuck away in the back of your mind that it WILL get better.

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your at the bottom of the pit right now, so the only thing you can do is go up from here. it will be hard but sometimes you have to show yourself what your made of jump in head first and crawl back to the top! you can do it. we all have the strength inside of us, just right now you just dont see it but its there i swear! and remember baby steps

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I feel so alone, and so desperate. I dont think it will ever be ok. I cant believe it is really over. How could I be so stupid. I will never find a love like this again, I am freaking out in my head, I just cant take it. I need a way out.

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I am so stuck. I have made a mistake, and I want to prove it to him, and show him that i will do anything to be with him again, but it hurts me SO much when he sayes he cannot be with me right now. I dont know if he ever will be able to again, and a part of me is hurting so much, that I dont think it is good for my health to keep pining away. But I am afraid If i try to move on, he will definitely never want to be with me again. How much can i take though! He knows I love him. But I feel as if I should pick up, and get on with life, as Im not sure if he will ever come around. I miss him so much.

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what do you like to do? and what i mean is what did you like to do before you met your ex? as for away out, you have to deal with the pain. it will get better! my ex left me for a internet guy after a three year relationship, we were engaged to get married for a year i loved her verry much. i was were you are now. she cheeted on me and i felt awfull, i thought i would never find someone better or love again. and now 5 months later i dont care i just want to be happy and do things for myself. oh and i had to start all over again im still living with family just trying to get everything in line in my life. my ex kept everything that we bought together she thinks its all her's. so i say you can have it all. you will get to a point that you will start to feel better i promiss! i did but it took work. and you have everyone on this sight for you. were all here for you.

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I cheated. I am so sorry for it. I am so sorry for everything I have done, and I cant stop thinking about how it will never be again. I feel so alone, and so sad, and I cant what a bad dream this is. I will not have any more memories with him, and I wont see his smiling face anymore. This is so hard.

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I felt like I could never get 100 percent from him...and I felt like at times he didnt really care to compromise in the relationship. I realize now that maybe I was just asking for to much. It was my fault. He loved me, and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me, and now I have nothing. He would have given me everything.

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Hey there, just relax now! Just like people say here: take one thing at a time, it's not going to be easy, but it will get better than it is right now!


You must realise you can't have control about your _EX_ (or any other person). Yes I'm writing that with capslock, because it is reality now and you can't even influence him to take you back, even if you think you can.


Everybody makes mistakes, it's a normal reaction that emerged from certain feelings/thoughts.


Your ex might take you back, but chances are rather low. If he has been in the same situation before or if he appreciates honesty more than anything in a person he won't take you back. Whatever happens, you learned something out of this and it's always positive to learn.


I also advice you to apologise to him, tell him why you cheated on him (if you didn't already) and tell him something in the lines of: "Even if we don't get a second chance together, I learned a lot out of our relationship. I'm willing to work on us, but I know I've screwed up and you won't feel like getting back together with me, which I totally understand and accept."


Don't take this advice for granted, it's just my view on things.


Put some depressing love song on, cry everything out... then get up, take a shower and go to a friend. Do something you liked doing before he broke up with you. I know it sounds like impossible to do something right now, I have been there too, but you have to at least try!


Be strong!

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