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Whats Going On Here?

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This girl hit me up on myspace cause I guess she liked my profile and because I'm so damn sexy (lol). Anyway, we talked a few times online, then met up on Sunday. Didn't really talk to her much on the phone. We went out for a drink, ice cream and a walk. We talked for a while, mostly about her job cause she works with. There was 2 or 3 times we had the infamous moments of silence. But I guess it wasn't too bad. She called me Monday and we talked some more...., only 1 moment of silence that time, but we weren't really talking about anything. At the end of the converstion she says something like, "Give me a call sometime." Yesterday, I didn't call her. I'm thinking that, cause she called me back the day after the "date", she's interested. And she's asking me to give her a call...to let her know that I'm interested? Does that sound about right? I don't know if I'm feeling her like that or not yet. I guess a real date is in order? What do you guys think? And what else can I talk to her about?

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When you met up with her on sunday did you find out what her main interests and hobbies are?


Maybe you could try and setup a date around what one of those are...


I think it's also a positive sign that she called you after the two of you met, she must be quite keen. Just don't ignore her or she will think that you aren't interested in her!

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Yes it does sound like she's interested in you or at least interested in figuring out whether or not she's interested in you. Unless you definitely already know you're not interested in her (which it doesn't sound like), you should give her a call and go on another date. I think you should give people a few dates in order to see if there's anything there. Obviously, as soon as you know you're not interested, break it off but it could definitely take a date or two more to figure it out. Don't give up hope, just see where it goes! You never know what you'll discover on a second or third date...

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cooking class? Well.. maybe on another date down the road...


One of my favourite "date" things is summer festivals... See if there is any events going on locally.. You aren't forced to "talk" to her all the time, but, there is plenty of time to chat when you are walking around,etc...

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