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make her want me

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Well....no offense or anything...but you really can't make someone like you or make someone want you. That has to come from the opposite person on their own will and their own feelings.


Now if you're talking about phermone spray or something like that...I'm sure they sell it online or in some stores. Not sure about the store part...but online for sure.


If you're talking pickup lines...then just approach the girl, say "hi" and greet her and just introduce yourself and go from there.

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sorry pal... the female wants what she wants. There is no key that opens up all the doors. There are guys out there that can attract women like crazy, and some are socio-phobic and repulsive. Nothing is fair in life; even so, there is more to life than getting girls and falling in love.... aww who am I kidding?

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Bro- I have tried man...for too long, too many different ways, with too many different women...


I have concluded that it just doesn't work... You can be the perfect guy, treat her wonderfully, while on the side save women and young children heroically from disaster, climb Mt. Everest, win a Nobel prize in physics, and be on time for dinner with a fresh bunch of roses, all in the same day, and it still won't change her feelings for you...


So you've got to keep in mind this is your life, the world is your urinal, and if they don't fall in love with you, it is their loss...good riddance...



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In a nutshell, yes.


How someone feels about us depends on how we make them feel about theirselves.


Humans live off of something called "emotional fulfillment." When we fulfill someones emotions, they desire to be around you more. In a sense, you're creating desire for them to be around you. Emotional fulfillment consists of a wide variety of things but mostly being able to relate to this individual and their views on life. Humans tend to settle for people who have lots in common with and see life in a similar way as they do. You can say that chance plays a part since you initially don't know how they view the world.

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In a nutshell, yes.


How someone feels about us depends on how we make them feel about theirselves.


Humans live off of something called "emotional fulfillment." When we fulfill someones emotions, they desire to be around you more. In a sense, you're creating desire for them to be around you. Emotional fulfillment consists of a wide variety of things but mostly being able to relate to this individual and their views on life. Humans tend to settle for people who have lots in common with and see life in a similar way as they do. You can say that chance plays a part since you initially don't know how they view the world.


I can't tell you how much I disagree with this. In a textbook, in a thesis, I'll buy this. In the school of life? Not only "no" but...hell no...


I say this because I have been in situations where the person has other psychological issues going on or in younger women, undeveloped emotional maturity perhaps, which prevent them from allowing themselves to receive love from another in an intimate relationship and their feelings are so clouded by life experiences or outside influences such as medication that they are unable to either recognize or give love in return. This or they lack life experience to create a reference point for what is reality and what is a uptopian fantasy of love. And I've found that some people just don't feel good about themselves , know what goodness is, or let themselves share these things no matter what you do!


I dated one woman who had a history of sexual abuse. She was in therapy, and she tried hard to make a relationship with me work. I believe with all my heart that she tried to love me, she wanted to love me, and that I accurately addressed areas in which I could make her feel "emotionally fulfilled". And she told me this! We talked about this all the time, what I could do and how to do it, because I hadn't been in a situation like this before. So while we worked as a team to try to make this work, I feel she was truly unable to be emotionally fulfilled because of her sexually abusive childhood.


In another case, I dated a woman with severe depression. Her mood and subsequent feelings were dependent on which medication she was on at a given time. One day she would be sure things were "right" with us, the next she would literally push me away! How do you emotionally fulfill someone like that?


And I have dated women who have said that I was an amazing guy and other things relating to that, and treated them better than any man ever has, but that for some reason, they didn't love me. Could it be because they didn't know what emotional fulfillment for them was? Or that they didn't want it? Or that they were sabotaging the relationship to avoid facing the unknown territory of happiness?


Sorry this post is somewhat "soapboxy" but it illustrates the point I am trying to make in that some things in life, such as this topic, are simply out of our hands...and I am absolutely convinced this is true in this case...

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I dated one woman who had a history of sexual abuse. She was in therapy, and she tried hard to make a relationship with me work. I believe with all my heart that she tried to love me, she wanted to love me, and that I accurately addressed areas in which I could make her feel "emotionally fulfilled". And she told me this! We talked about this all the time, what I could do and how to do it, because I hadn't been in a situation like this before. So while we worked as a team to try to make this work, I feel she was truly unable to be emotionally fulfilled because of her sexually abusive childhood.


Me too. I did it for 5 years. Wasn't easy and she never felt, "normal." I realized that I could only do so much as a boyfriend. She ended up never getting professional help after quitting her sessions after a few times.


In another case, I dated a woman with severe depression. Her mood and subsequent feelings were dependent on which medication she was on at a given time. One day she would be sure things were "right" with us, the next she would literally push me away! How do you emotionally fulfill someone like that?


You don't/can't. People who exhibit unpredictable behavior can't be emotionally fulfilled since this unknown variable constantly changes.


And I have dated women who have said that I was an amazing guy and other things relating to that, and treated them better than any man ever has, but that for some reason, they didn't love me. Could it be because they didn't know what emotional fulfillment for them was? Or that they didn't want it? Or that they were sabotaging the relationship to avoid facing the unknown territory of happiness?


This stems back to how you make them feel. Everyone wants to be happy, to be loved. Most people don't knowingly sabotage relationships, although I can understand why you might feel that way at times.


Sorry this post is somewhat "soapboxy" but it illustrates the point I am trying to make in that some things in life, such as this topic, are simply out of our hands...and I am absolutely convinced this is true in this case...[/


Since I don't believe in "fate", "meant to be", "destiny", and "outside forces," I believe that leaves you in control of your destiny. The decisions we make affect our lives and other peoples lives. Most situations in general can be influenced, including your love-life. So, I respecfully agree to disagree with you FriscoDJ.

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Everyone wants to be happy, to be loved.


I just don't agree with this. Or I think some people want this but think they shouldn't have it or that it is unobtainable... Or they plainly do not know what they want...


Anyway, let's just agree to disagree on this one...

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