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Im 17 years old and have found a truly great girl. We have dated for a really long time in high school. The problem is, her mom lets her date, my mom has a really hard time dealing wiht it, until she finally forced me to breakup with my girlfriend. The loss was devastating, and me and my girlfriend were hurt by this, almost dating a year. Now we have used the term "love" tho we were young, but we knew that the relationship could end, we just werent expecting it to end this way. My mom is a total bitch about it saying i should wait till after college to date etc... My gf is till willing to stick with me for a little more, but im afraid if this situation wont be fixed soon, she'll move on to antoher guy. What do i do?

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Your mother sounds very protective she still wants to treat u like her baby boy. She is afraid that this girl might hurt u or worse that u and the girl might get to close and perhaps she gets pregnant. Then again ur mother should realize that ur young and ur trying to know females better by dating them getting to know them, heres the number one thing u must remember WHAT MAMA DOESN'T KNOW WON'T HURT HER.

Hope I was of ur use!


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Sit down with you mom and have a nice long talk. Ask her why she feels that you shouldn't date till your older....


then tell her that you are plenty old enough to date, that you understand any and all consequences of doing so, and if you get hurt, then you'll get hurt and nothing can stop it....


my 2 cents

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I can understand not dating at an early age (preteen years) but when you're 17, wow... Have you tried talking to your mom, telling her how you feel for this girl? And I agree, you can always do it behind her back, but when you get caught... It's a tough call, go with your instinct, if your girl cares, then she'll stick around for awhile, like nike, just do it... Good luck!

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As Alibi said, talk with you mom about it , talk about it with your father, if he will be on your side, he will convince your mom to not be harsh on you.


believe me your father will understand the situation......


You are not Wild Drunk Punk Skater that will get into trouble because of dating. And explain your mom that you are not going to marry her because you are dating her. Tell her that it is normal reaction of teenager like you.


Tell your mom "Do you want me to be gay!" she will say "Hell NO !"


So tell - "So let me date!"


If your mom wont understand [she will....] just say that you will do everything to meet your loved one and she will not stop you.....


"There is no cure for Love..."

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lol Bud "WHAT MAMA DOESN'T KNO WON'T HURT HER" lol. Anyway, i dunno if it's just me recently knowing a similar situation or not but did u actually tell ur mom that u were gonna date this girl? Or did u just do it behind her back and now ur busted?


I reckon u should stay wif her unless she's totally got u locked down in the house or something. If she luvs u, she'll hold for at least a year anymore than that..it just depends on how strong ur bond is.


Happy Heb

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