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New Thoughts On Suicide

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It bothers me that you "firmly believe that eugenics are mankinds' only hope", especially due to the fact that you had posted a swastika as your avatar several days ago . You've mentioned in your other thread that you have had sociopathic tendencies, and to be frank, that worries me more than your suicidal ones do.

I understand what you're saying and more so, how it appears, but let me try to explain.

The swastika was in no way to showcase my feeling ideologically or politically. I used that as my avatar for two reason: shock value (i enjoy offending others to an extent) and I equate much of the american governments' values with that of nazi germany. World conquest, infringing on human rights, double standards, propaganda... I don't believe in the extermination of a race.

The sociopathic tendencies part is more complex. I realize that I've used others to a great extent my whole life. Not in any sinister ways mind you. However, different from actual, full blown sociopaths, I acknowledge the fact that I've been fake with people and have told therapists so. I make a conscious effort to not be that way these days.

Something else I've realized these past weeks since I haven't been taking my anti-depressants is that much of my deranged thinking was triggered by the medicine. The medicine fueled some inner demon. For as much as I thought that it helped me I think it was making me someone that I wasn't or at least, don't want to be.

When I speak of eugenics I'm not talking about creating some master race. I'm talking about freeing the human race from pain. What if you could tell that your child was going to be born with some crippling genetic disease? If gene therapy were available you could save someone from a life of hell before they were even born. Used properly and with restraint, eugenics could free humankind from so much useless pain and increase the overall wellness of a people.

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Red Queens hit it on the head, you did have us worred there, but if as you say your meds have sideafects that are detrental to your mentil helth I would go see the doc.


One film I like is GATICA which is a nice ilistraon of how the uber-man can come into being v the back door of medical gene theipy.


Shame some one like Stphone Harkings would have been corected at barth.


"We are making a better world a world with out sin"


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Lol at first i thought you were referring to the supercomputer from the movie resident evil(love that movie


Good choice of username... my username has a hisorical importance but you'd have to look that up


Very interesting reading this topic with all the veiws and comments.


Suicide as an act of cowardice really depends on the context so making a general statement would not be right.

Killing yourself to better the human race is a excuse some people could use but in true terms you could just refrain from having sex to stop passing on the genetic faults that would be obtained by the next generations.


As for suicide being apart of natural selection.

It is essentialy apart of it because if you kill yourself your instantly removed from the game called life and thereforeeee the persons 'faulted'(faulted because they couldn't get to the point of mating) genes are removed from circulation. ... but killing yourself as an exuse would be a catch 22 as mr. Fuglet as clearly pointed out...


Used properly and with restraint, eugenics could free humankind from so much useless pain and increase the overall wellness of a people.


Well said



I originally spent ages typing out close my longest ever post on a forum for this topic and I then accidently closed firefox lol.. maybe it was for the best

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UTOPIAS CANNOT AND DO NOT EXIST!!!!! It goes against the laws of nature. Life needs death, love needs loneliness, happiness needs sadness, and pleasure needs pain. One cannot exist without the other my dear. Oh and I agree with Mr. Fuglet's post about the movie Gattaca, and Stephen Hawkings, as both being perfect examples against eugenics.

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I beg to differ. Though a utopian society has never existed it doesn't mean one can't. Utopian is relative. My utopian society probably looks much different from yours. (I'm dictator in mine )

No, I don't think happiness needs sadness. I don't think pleasure needs torture or stupid needs smart. Emotionally, polar opposites aren't needed for the other to exist. Again though, it's all a matter of relativity. Tell me this, if through eugenics we get rid of all disease, get rid of the ignorance that the majority of people have, raise the average IQ a bit, raise the tolerance levels a bit, and then restructure society so that robots do all the monkey work leaving humans to screw each other's brains out all day, wouldn't utopia exist?

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If there is only happiness, then there is no happiness, why? because there would be nothing to compare it to. The concept of an eternal heaven to me seems like a never-ending hell. In any given population there will be a standard deviation curve, if you raised the IQ a bit for everyone, due to relativity, nothing much would change. If you were dictator, perhaps I would kill myself.

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If there is only happiness, then there is no happiness, why? because there would be nothing to compare it to. The concept of an eternal heaven to me seems like a never-ending hell. In any given population there will be a standard deviation curve, if you raised the IQ a bit for everyone, due to relativity, nothing much would change. If you were dictator, perhaps I would kill myself.


Exactly RedQueen! As you said Eto, it is all relative. Happiness is relative to sadness. People will always look for something to compare themselves to. All you will have is smarter, more attractive people, more genetically 'perfect' individuals who still hate each other and are unhappy.


And I would disagree with your analysis of utopia Eto. By your logic, America is a Utopia as even though you may think it is evil, there is at least one person who has achieved an ideal position due to its social/economic structure. In order for there to be utopia it must be ideal for everyone in the system. thereforeeee I think Utopia is quite impossible.

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If you were dictator, perhaps I would kill myself.

That comment made me laugh. No doubt, many would jump from buildings if I was dictator of a nation. Only in my dreams......


I have this grand plan that will only fill the pages of stories that I write, never seeing the light of reality.


No hard feelings Red Queen? I'll comment on this no further.

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That comment made me laugh. No doubt, many would jump from buildings if I was dictator of a nation. Only in my dreams......


I have this grand plan that will only fill the pages of stories that I write, never seeing the light of reality.


No hard feelings Red Queen? I'll comment on this no further.


Of course no hard feelings, and I'm glad I could make such a somber guy laugh.

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Ok after a lot of reading which was grate fun on the red queen hypothesis, thank you Theredqueen for that I can now see her point of view.


What intarests me are some points.


1: As the red queen hypothesis hinges on Sex and more to the point female sexuila sulation for brading partners, is male Suicide in humans a way to atain power of this female sultion prosess.?


2: Why do we have so much sex, if procration is the sole indiacter of good genes why do we have some much enigey wasting sex, and frankly dangares with all the bugs out there.


3: Why so some females sulect male breading partnes that have ganes that thow they make them more actrative to the females also carry a higher resk my giving the males body forms that enabel predituers to find them esear.

Like coloered plumage, and exstended curship rituels.


all the above show that saying I have bad genes v one gen is "wrong group think".


or is it?

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