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When your BEST-FRIEND breaks up with you...

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Hey, well..first of all, i wanna thank you all for being so supportive. you guys seem to be great at giving advice =D


well...my ex was my best-friend for a whole year [before we got into a relationship]. We got into a relationship and he broke up with me because he prefers only dating [christian] girls [& its radical cuz we're only in highschool]. We still got into a relationship cuz we knew eachother so well and liked eachother a whole bunch.


Everything was perfect. Yum. [we all love those "too-good-2-be-tru" times] and then...all of a sudden...


In like a few weeks, he broke it off and said that he doesn't have ANY feelings for me because he gets the feeling that "God" doesn't want us to be together. [i understand he has this strange concept of "christian girls please" but what bothers me is the fact that he INITIATED a relationship with me...ie...first one to say "ilu"..etc.]


I haven't contacted him for a WHOLE month today. thank god. haha. But I really really really do want to become friends with him again...eventually...[i mean he was my best-friend]...i wanna be over him hopefully b4 school starts..cuz there will be NO way of ignoring him then. His friendship was great. And we ended on a "fair" note where I told him I needed time [because he hurt me so much] but we could be best-friends again eventually. He agreed.


So give me advice as to what to do when your best-friend breaks up with you and..u really wanna be friends. and all that good stuff...k thx.






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p.s: even though its completely raw and unhealthy...i'm very good at repressing my feelings. I liked him for 10 months before we got into a relationship...& didn't say a word to him and always supported him and his girlfriends that he had throughout the year. At a point, I convinced myself and my other best-friends that I didn't like him. weird.

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Why do you want to be friends with him again? Are you sure it's him you want to be friends with or just the idea of your friendship that appeals to you? Then you need to take a step back and wonder if you were ever "just" best friends.


I think by the time school comes around, you could have a normal relationship with him but whether or not you'll be as close just depends on if it'll happen or not, you can't force it.

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