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I wish it was me.

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I can't stand seeing other people get hurt, or even hear about anyone else get hurt. Because I wish it were me instead.

Ever since I was young I envisioned situations where I got injured - being beat up on the way to school, car accidents, tripping and breaking my leg, even getting cancer. I imagine it in my head all the time. Everytime I'm doing something I twist it so I get hurt. I've never acted upon these thoughts but I do self harm sometimes.

How do I stop these thoughts?

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Oh Hecate, morbid thinking is something we all have, but fewer of us take into our self.


The only thing I can suggest is talking to your doctor. There are ways of dealing with this thought process but I'm not sure that I can help other than suggesting having a word with a proffessional.


Huge Hugs xx

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Hon you sound like you are having obsessive thoughts. That's a form of anxiety problems, I have it too. I think all sorts of obsessive things about becoming ill and such, and it's very distracting and emotionally painful.


What you should do is have a word with a counselor, and see if your thoughts can be managed with self care or if you need medication. I actually don't use medication, but have 'self care' and interventions that I use when they come up so I don't get really upset over them.


Talk to someone. You're not crazy.

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