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Would This Be Considered Me Being Used?

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my best friend Sam and I are both 15, we just finished our freshman year of and we met a senior, Ryan, he's 19 now. We were friends all year, we never hung out outside of school because we talked at lunch. But now that it's summer we've been trying to make plans on the weekends and stuff to hang.


Ryan likes Sam, and wants to be MORE than friends with her, and I'm always like, she doesn't see you as anything more than a friend. So whenever Ryan wants to hang out with Sam, she just thinks it's friends, but Ryan wants it to be more. Sam's parents won't let her hang out with Ryan unless another person her age is there....ME....


The first time the 3 of us hung out, it was like Sam and Ryan in their own world, like Ryan was trying to make Sam laugh and all, and I was just kinda THERE. Today they called me, and we did 3-way...Ryan and Sam wanted to hang, but of course they were like, "You need to come along"...I told them we might be able to do soemthing tomorrow, so we just talked and like Ryan the whole time was like, "SAM! I WANNA HANG OUT WITH YOU SO BAD!" like he makes it seem like they want to hang out with me because we're all friends, and that's what Sam thinks, but Ryan is just asking to hang out with me so he can hang with Sam.


1) I think I'm being used. How do I go about this?


2) Sam is my best friend...should I tell her he likes her?



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You are being used. That's what it seems like. They beg for you to go, and then you feel left out and ignored.


I think you should talk to them both. Sam should know how you feel at least because she is your good friend. Tell her why you are feeling the way you are. Hopefully she will understand and maybe try to make you feel more included when the 3 of you go out.


And if there's a time you just don't feel like going out with them, then don't. It's not your fault they can't see each other unless you are there.. and really, it's not your problem.

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seems to me you are being used. if she is really your friend then you should tell her so she doesnt hurt you. if she really does love you she will put a stop to it. also i tell my friends EVERYTHING, who likes them, who likes me and who likes the biggest geek in the school, thats just who i am i like to gossip and stuff like that. if you feel that she is in danger without knowing he likes her then tell her by all means. if not than its completely up to you. i hope this helps

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