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I'm Not Cruel But..............


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Haha I guess cos it's twisted! You wanna mess with someone's mind by making them jealous for your own pleasure to get a reaction and to get what you want!


The only way you can make a girl jealous is if the girl has feelings for you! If you really wanna do it you could ignore her and be blatantly flirty with other girls around her. If you really want it to hurt you could flirt with a girl you know she thinks is a threat to her - i mean like more attractive, sexy whatever. And flirting with her best friend/close friends would really annoy.


Or you could do other stuff like get a cool car, look good, be popular and make her think like she's losing out...


I'm not saying I approve of any of this stuff! But whatever if you wanna do it and don't feel bad bout doin it! Though I'm not sure what you wanna achieve by doing this? U make her jealous then what?!?!?


If she isn't interested in you nothing you do will make her jealous or get that response from her! And if it's real obvious you are out to make her jealous it will backfire on you and you'll wind up looking pretty foolish!


Oh and don't forget - what goes around comes around!!!

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.............. You guys aremaking me sound like a bad guy over here. Well....maybe the reason i shall do this, is just to get backat her for all the heartbreak and stuff she put Me throught.Ok....so lets just say i'm looking for revenge

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....I don't think you're a bad guy! It's normal to feel angry and wanting revenge on someone who's really hurt you....Getting revenge on her won't solve anything! It'll be like a vicious cycle and will keep going round. At the end you might end up more hurt than when you started out. In fact it'll probably make you even more bitter and stop you from moving on!


I think the best revenge is to get on with your life - get out and enjoy yourself! Don't spend another minute of your life wallowing in the hurt she's caused you! Realise that your happiness doesn't depend on her and no matter how much she's put you through you're going to be just fine and your life can be happier and fulfilling without her in it!


Hope this helped! Good luck!

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