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is it still self injury?

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I havent cut in over a year, but i still get the urge. ok here is my question, is it still self injury to willingly participate in activities that cause me pain? like in a fight to let people hit me and cause me pain when i could easily prevent it? Does that constitute self injury?


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I think when you start putting yourself in positions to purposely get hurt it might fall under masochism rather than S.I., which might mean you're blaming yourself for something or feel some need to suffer, rather than SI in which some of the main reasons (not exclusive but just some of the reasons) include to relieve emotional pain by inflicting physical pain, or to try and get attention.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some people just love the pain...

there is a difference between someone who cuts/hurts themselves for that supposed 'release' and someone who loves getting punched everynow and again during a fight for the love of pain

you'll need to tell us/me more about why you do it to understand and give advice slightly better

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