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Ex is trying to destroy my life...

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I have a probem my ex seems bent on destroying my life.

She calls me constantly and wants to know where I am and what I am doing.She said that I know your over ****'* house and are you seeing him? and are you sleeping with him? I do hang around with this particular guy all of the time and a couple of other people as well,she thinks I am sleeping with them all (but I am luckly not like her in that respect) To me I feel this is none of her business now.She is just hindering my process of moving on.I do still love her and have feelings for her,I shouldn't really after all that she has done to me,she was jealous of all my friends (still is) and she cheated on me right and left and treated me like ****.But this is still very difficult for me.

It is like she still wants me but yet when we were together she didn't want me you when we were together (supposedly) she did what she wanted and saw who she wanted.It was always "do as I say not do as I do" with her.I don't know what to do should I just not answer her calls?

I do actually see her from time (not my choice BTW) so I want to try and keep it somewhat peaceful between us when I do see her.

Anyone else ever have this problem?

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Do not allow a single person or entity to "destroy" your life.


When clutter exists, clear it out. You can achieve this by "deleting" him from your life. Ignore calls, ignore emails, ignore all communication attempts. He may persist at first but he won't continue forever.

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