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Sex ultimatum.

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OK, I hope you do not wear pink shades, but please by all means work on him, if you want, cut back on sex (tired, not well, be more busy).


Mature women not orgasming feel terrible after a while. The way you feel is normal.


Crucial - yes: Good sex +1, bad sex -8


Talk, Talk, make him grow up. Can you buy a book or download articles on good sex for you to read together?

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We use to do stuff like that.. link removed, etc.. but maybe that's a good idea.. maybe I just need to divert his attention... expand out in a way that's going to please us both..


can you mention a couple titles?


link removed is good.


Sorry, I have not read books in ages, google is better for references anyway. You also could use search on link removed and other book distributors. Walking the shelves/asking staff of a large bookstore may work, lastly the outlet of your movies may have books


Suggest to stay away from sextoys and such, each others bodies and feelings can be much more interesting the natural way.

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you are advocating they break up?




The problem is that he is not respecting, caring and listening to her. If he does not listen and only uses her than their relationship is not worth much.


No need to be too soft with someone like him.


Hey, I was young and immature too - poor girlfriend, she even complained it hurt and she even tried to train me on papaya instead of her.

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I don't think it's bad that he gets excited.. I want him to be excited.. but just with me and not with other things that aren't me. lol that doesn't sound like so much to ask.


thanks for the link!


You're welcome.


Sorry, not over excited and looking for excitement with some(thing/one)


Ohh, try to buy him a Papaya, feels not bad - and it's new for him.

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Your advice is for her boyfriend to have sex with a papaya, because he is immature and does not communicate well?


A girlfriend of mine did that to me long ago. It helped to send a message.


Sorry if it is inapropriate, perhaps, I should avoid being cynical at times. I am usually more compassionate but at times it is hard to get the message through.

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