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Ex Wants to see me again :o??

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Hello everyone! Great to write here again. Okay to get to the point, my ex has left for Virginia for OBC training. To all you non-army folks out there, OBC means officer basic course. She recently graduated college and is now "training" for her career in the military up in virginia (i live in Florida). Its been about 3-4 weeks now since i last saw her. I haven't spoken to her since she left but she has been calling me every day practically haha. In the 2 years when we were together she has NEVER ever left a message on my message recording machine until about a week ago. We have talked off and on now, and she says she really "misses me and loves me alot" but it boggles my mind if she says these things why not be together again?! I understand her completely though and im sure many of you are going to say she is just "lonly" of which i will partially agree with. Anothering interesting note is that she wants me to visit her now. The plane tickets are like 255 dollars roundtrip hell im not made of money lol. What is interesting though.. is that we spoke about a day ago and she has even said she will pay half my plane ticket to see her.. wow !? Seriously what do you guys think about all these things? She has also dedicated the song "cold" to me.. and some of my friends are saying that she is somewhat asking for forgiveness in an indirect way.. Like i said she says she still loves me alot and misses me like crazy or "why would i pay half the ticket for you to come" and i quote directly from what she said. What do you guys think?

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What Babypink said... however, I also am a strong believer in people don't realize what they have until it is gone. To go along with that, some will reflect on things in the relationship and really work to improve themselves.


Answers to Babypink's questions will help us out, but if you two do start to venture back together, make sure that you have addressed the problems of the past, and make sure that you have a process in place to address them. You DO NOT want to fall back in the same rut and end up back at square one. Be wise now. Learn from your mistakes!


Read up on relationships, how to handle them, how to manage them, how to understand your partner... you won't be sorry, and you will have the tools to build a very successful relationship!

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Thank you guys for taking the time to read and respond to my dilemma first and foremost. !

Why we broke up? We ultimetly broke up on good terms. In my honest opinion she was going through a "transition" period in her life.. we were together for 2 years and now is when she was beginning to "start her life in the big world" one might say. She was graduating.. hangin out w/ her girlfriends more since she we will most likely never see them again (remember the army life will take you everywhere and at any time they want to). She was also losing the "spark" one might say with me. I felt somewhat the same also, we were always bickering and argueing about the stupidest things, but not being cocky i was a real great man to her and many upon many people have said she will not find one like me in a long time. Im one of the few haha Lets just say i was always there to help her out (which was also another problem, i should have let her "hit her head" on her own you know?) Anyways we both love each other but even her best friend says that she is still confused and mixed about what she wants.

I still love her very much, and i honestly have a weird 6th sense (of which is almost always right .. intuition is strong for me) that i will get back with her.. maybe not now but in the future.. and she will be the "one". All hopes aside we will see won't we.

Oh and i agree on all you guys have said. She is coming down july 4th so i will visit her after she comes. Also, lol im not the one "pushing" actually she is the one always asking for me to visit her even as going as far as paying for half the ticket.

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