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Hi, there is this girl I like and she says she likes me somewhat too. I am always wondering what to talk to her about because when I talk to her alone, she just seems depressed or not in the mood to talk. My best friend talks to her on the phone with me sometimes and then she is all happy and joyous. Anyone have any tips?

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Alright first things first find out if ur friend likes her or if she likes him so u won't get hurt, secondly if she is acting all deppressed around usauly she wants pity or attention from u. It might be a sign that she is interested in u, it never hurts to listen to what she has to say, sometimes they need a shoulder to cry on.

Goodluck !

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Im not really sure i can help you but i figure you could use a girls opinion so i guess ill just tell you what i think. First off you said that when you are alone with her you dont know what to say and she acts all depressed, you might be confused, are you sure she is not being shy because she is nervous about talking to you alone? As far as what you could talk to her about, well that depends on what kind of stuff she is into. If she likes music you could play some music and start talking to her about the song or the band or even better a memory the song brings back. If you kind of open up to her and start telling her about YOU she might like that. Look for ways that you are alike and talk about those things. i hope some of this will help you, good luck!!!!

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