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My guy friend since 7th grade. (This is a long story)

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I have a guy friend, named "D" (code name), that I've known since the 7th grade. In 7th grade, we only had ONE class together, which 7th period. All the 7th graders had mini-elective course that switched each quarter. The first was music. I have a very unique last name, and my teacher HAD TO announce it to the whole class (very embarrasing). He also made me tell stuff about myself. I told him that my parents had their own business...a restaurant and this guy's eyes ("D") just popped up and he leaned over to look at me! I was like "ookaay..." After class, he came up to me and says, "Hey, your last name is SOOO cool. What is it? Thai?" I said, "Yeah." He says, "Awesome. Hey, my name is ________." We then started getting to know each other, but not hang out.


In 8th grade, we still continued to be friends. However, he got to that stage in life...puberty. lol. He became really snotty & mean to everyone because he's so "rich." Anyways, we still continued to be friends, but not as much b/c he had his guy friends and I had my girl friends. One day, in the library we were talking and he asked me who I liked. I said, "no one." He didn't believe me because of the way I said it. Then I accidently blurted out my crush's name. He gets all hyper and all he could say is, "Oh my God!" lol. haha. I'm like, "yeah...watever." I knew I could trust him, because "D" didn't know my crush AND my crush never found out....i don't think. lol. At the end of the school year, he tells me that he is going to move to another school...the high school I wanted to go to since the 6th grade. It was my dream to go to this school. However, I had to stay at my school because it's a Jr./Sr. High School....ugh. Anyways, I was very sad. I begged him not to go, but he said he had to. He said he would miss me and wishes that I could go with him. The junior high days were over.


*Sigh* Freshman year. "D" is gone. I miss him so much. Throughout the year I thought him. Before the school year ended, I gave him my AIM screen name. One evening, he IMed me. I was soo happy to speak to him again! I asked him so many questions! He said he wished I moved schools, but I said I couldn't b/c of my parents. My parents knew that "D" was going there, but they still didn't move me. Well, the months went on and we still spoke to each other...online, of course. THEN, one day I was going to my geometry classroom to get some help on my homework. I opened the door, when someone shouted my last name. I KNEW IT WAS HIM! I turned around and said, " "D" it's you!" He says, "Yeah." He was just visiting the school b/c of his friend's lil bro who attends my school. We didn't talk much b/c we were both in a hurry. It was a few weeks before school ended. We were still contacting each other. One day, on the internet, I saw his AIM profile and I saw that it said "Hey 'B'. Love you, baby. You're a life saver." I knew that he hooked up with some girl at his school. I asked myself, "How come he didn't tell me?" I was sad and told my friends. My friends were convinced that I liked him, but I denied it. hehe. Like a lightening flash, FRESHMAN YEAR ENDED.


PRESENT DAY: I am going into Sophomore year now, so is "D." He's a great tennis player! He mad it to a tournament where the top players in his age group compete. He won! I was so happy for him. I play a lil tennis and badminton myself, but I'm not that good. I'd say...I'm a "novice." LOL. Well, anyways my friends STILL think I like "D" and they are....RIGHT. I do like him. No, I love him. I think of him everyday. . . when I'm not busy reading or volunteering, cuz that will take me "off track." LOLZ! haha. He currently does not suspect that I like him. That's a good thing. The only flaw is that my friends say he bad mouths everyone and brags. I asked some of his friends...or "ex" friends if he ever bad-mouthed me. They said, "Never." I was happy, which means he TRULY is a friend. My friends say that I can do better, but I don't think I can. He's cute, smart, sweet, and he's all that I ever want in a guy. I'm not shallow, so I don't care if he's rich or popular. I really want to be with him, but I don't know how to get him to like me more than a friend.


Here's a Subprofile Guestbook entry from HIM ("D")

hey kathy... havent talked to u in awhile... I am going to a tennis tournament in 1 week in san diego... its a showdown (best of the best for my age group) and i was invited to play... im soo happy. So have u guys moved yet??? So i was just wanting to know if ur doing good and having fun over the summer and relaxing after working ur tail off during the school year. Well... im me soon, maybe ill help u w/ ur tennis game over the summer if u want me to or sumthing. Im workin at a sports camp and i am teaching kids the fundamentals, but the older ones i am teaching the more advanced stuff... like topspin, under spin, slice, volley. etc. Well have a great summer and talk to me soon..... later



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hey, it was a very long story and i think what you need to do is to contact him and ask him to get together sometime to help you play your tennis, and maybe when you guys are in a personal place you can tell him that you have liked him for a while and make sure you keep it your busness and he might just give in and make sure that he is single and looking for a gf!

good luck



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