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Well, you should be able to see a tear in it, or notice semen etc leaking through it. It is possible to have a microtear though and not notice it at all.


Do you think a condom broke?


Yes, you can get pregnant anytime semen comes in contact with your vagina, if you are not on another form of birth control (ie pill) and condom splits/breaks, your chance is higher.

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The best thing is to use both condoms and another form of birth control

ie pill, coil etc etc this way if one fails u still have some protection in place.


However there is no absolute garentee against getting pregnant nothing is 100%

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It's best to use multiple methods of birth control. If you used a condom and you think it may have broken, it's best to go to your health care provider or family planning within the first couple of days after having sex to see if you can get the day after pill. A few of my friends had to do this.

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Honestly, if there are any doubts in your mind, go get the morning after pill. I have done that before, and it is simple. It's better that you take care of that now if you don't want to be a parent. I don't know the laws in your area, but I was just able to go to one of many pharmacies (even ones in grocery stores) and get a prescription through them, it took 10 minutes. Better safe than sorry! (This is only if you are OK with that idea, many people are against it, which I don't really understand but that's a WHOLE different topic.)

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