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Here's the rub

Big Daddy

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I know I am jealous and it is destructive. I cannot figure this out though. Can we talk about why a guy does not keep Girl "friends" but a girl keeps guy "friends". I do not keep girl friends because I think it makes the wrong impression and I do not want to worry my wife. That and I believe guys and girls can't be friends. My wife always seems to befriend guys much more often than girls. She will talk to them on the drive home from work after leaving an hour later than she has to. Is this weird? Am I nuts? I know I am probably wrong but I know I wouldn't do it and I really don't think most wive's would do it. Please give me your brutal opinions.

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I think men and women can definitely be just friends. The question is why do you want to be friends? If you want to be friends with someone of the opposite sex, is it because you like them and enjoy their company or do you have stronger feelings for them and hope that by starting as friends it will turn into something more.


I have had friendships with men in both these scenarios. It all comes down to sexual attraction. You are either attracted to someone or you are not. If you aren't then you can be just friends.

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Basically this is how it works for my relationship..

My husband comes first. His feelings come first.

I don't want my husband to feel insecure so I've toned down my friendliness with the opposite sex. Yes I have male friends. My husband doesn't get intimidated by the ones he feels are unattractive. lol I don't talk to these friends on the phone. Trust is everything and you need to trust her, however there is a line where I feel shouldn't be crossed. Your feelings should come first. Just my opinion.

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She hasn't cheated as far as I know. She has been attracted to other guy and would sit sround and talk about it with her friend in another language not knowing I spoke french. That was 5-7 years ago. But she does tend to flirt with other men and has told me she does not see anything wrong with it. I have been cheated on before her and that drives alot of my issues. The second issue is my high sex drive and her low sex drive.

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Why does she have a low sex drive?

A lot of women are flirtatious by nature... or just over friendly. My husband wasn't bothered by this, but felt I gave men the wrong impression at times. I didn't want to do that or take a chance on my husband getting jealous. It's not worth it.

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She has told me it is two reasons:


She thinks that it is because I act jealous and controlling and she doesn't feel free to make decisions because she feels that I would be disappointed if she chose to do things other than spend time with me. I have driven some/most of this I am sure but some of it is overblown. I did not like some of her old friends who were into drugs/alcohol/cheating and I was very headstrong about them. I also act jealous. I try like hell not to but the sex thing coupled with our difference in beliefs drives me nuts.


She was molested by a relative when she was young.

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I forgot to add my part. I am 235 lbs now. I am not huge but I am overweight. I am pretty well proportioned though and have alot of muscle mass. When we met, I was 170 lbs and cut. No fat at all. Sex was not an issue in the beginning and she was sexually aggressive with me. That has gone away. No aggression, which I like alot.

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Well a few things jump out at me.

You admit you are jealous. That is a good thing that you can see it. The bad thing is that you will lose her if you don't get a grip on it. She will eventually rebel and you will have created the very thing you have feared.

Trust her until she gives you a reason not to.


Another thing that jumped out at me is her wanting to do other things without you. You should be included in most things except for the pedicures, manicures, and facials. lol


I want my husband to be with me all the time and he feels the same. Once a year he'll go up and visit an old male friend and his family and I get together with my best friend of many years for a girl's weekend... which usually consists of dinner with big plans to go out and have fun only to get tired and end up going to bed and not going out at all.


Try something different if what you are doing isn't working for you. Such as... when she tells you she'd like to go out with so and so... just say, "Sure, have a good time". Don't get jealous. I would hope that she'd want to spend most of her time with you, but she sounds like she has a lot of resentment towards you. Give her freedom and eventually things may get better for you.

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I forgot to add my part. I am 235 lbs now. I am not huge but I am overweight. I am pretty well proportioned though and have alot of muscle mass. When we met, I was 170 lbs and cut. No fat at all. Sex was not an issue in the beginning and she was sexually aggressive with me. That has gone away. No aggression, which I like alot.


Has she made mention of your weight?

That doesn't sound bad depending on your height.

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I think we all change a little with time, though I don't know how old you are.

I'm sure you're fine. It's not your body that's turning her off, it's your being controlling. If anything... give her your blessing and tell her you hope she has a good time. When she gets home... don't interrogate her. No questions as to , "How many guys were there?" "Did any of them look at you?" " Did any of them talk to you." It will only make you sound desperate.

This will be hard to do, but try it.

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I am 30. I have been with her for 11 years. In moments of clarity, I know that she is a great person and I am a lucky man. It is hard for our beliefs to match because I have been wronged by another and she has never even had a reason to be jealous because I will not allow it to exist.

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Believe me... you can't begin to help me with the problems I have. lol

People are good on this sight for the most part.


It is hard to change. But you may have no choice if you don't want to lose her. You don't want an "ok" relationship, you want a "great" one.

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It all depends....I believe that just making new random friends of the opposite sex when you're married...doesn't add up. I could definitely see if it's a co-worker and on a business level. But...talking to them on the way home from work, etc? That's a singles life I believe. Now, if they are friends from before you were married and you know the person and so on and so forth, that's totally different. When you're married, there's that "2 in 1" bond...although you need separate lives, when it comes to things like that, there's no reason why you shouldn't know these men. It is probably all innocent, but maybe out of respect she could maybe introduce you and explain things a little more, because you sound a little misguided.


good luck !

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