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Friend of girl I like knows I like her!!! on msn NOW...help

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Now I know that this may seem like a good thing BUT I'm 100% sure that its gonna end with her telling me that she likes me like a friend and its happened before with one of my other friends and though we still say hi and talk in the hallways that previous friendship we had is now gone. SOO i don't want the same thing to happen here. Her friend is catching on that I like her and is telling me to tell her, BUT im a really shy guy and this would be my first relationship and I dont know it just seems like with the summer coming and me working all summer it would be a bad time to start something.....any suggestions....her friends keeps messaging me to tell her >...what do I tell her ...need answer ASAP

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if she keeps messaging you to tell her, that might mean they've already talked and she's just waiting for you to make a move.. Otherwise her friend wouldn't tell you to tell her that knowing you will get rejected..Just my 2 cents

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I'm a little confused by what you're asking for advice on right now.. but it's definitely a good sign that her friend is telling you to tell her you like her. You don't even have to straight out tell her that you like her, you could just ask her if she wants to go see a movie or something. Good luck!

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umm the last time I msged the girl i like was about an hour ago...nothin happened with her since then...should i msg her like nothins happened and just continue to talk....


BUT if she asks me " do you like me " or somethin a long those lines....wht do i do

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yes, absolutely continue to talk with her, if she says something like that you can just say "maybe " and see her reaction.

Because if you stop talking to her & she hears you like her, it'll be awkward, you might be seen like a creepy stalker if u stop talkin to her

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now the friend of the girl i like said "hmmmm i cant tell u whether she likes u more than a friend because im not her" ...u think thats true???


and she also said are you 100% sure you like her? and asked me if i think about her a lot.....any other ways I can check whether I like her for real?

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She doesn't like you. Sorry.


I oughta smack you.


She was saying she can't tell you, is honest, and quite frankly I find that A GREAT characteristic!


That could mean many things.


One she does like you, and she doesn't want to embarress her friend.


two, She doesn't like you and doesn't want to be the barer of bad news.


Three, The friend likes you, and feels hurt because of it all.


Won't know till you ask the girl you like.


Do it!


where you live, if you're near me, I'll come and be your wingman for the day!


I should offer that, fly me to where you live, guarenteed wingman for the day!




I just wanna travel

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