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past up my chance to kiss a girl

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Yeah. today I had the girl I like come over, and we went swimming, and she put her arms around me and stared right into my eyes, and she started moving a bit... but I just stood there.. and she backed off.. she did that twice..... I hope I didnt miss my only chance to kiss this girll... But it was all good though, after that we cuddled alot.. All in all it was a good day...

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If there's anything I've learned from my years of dating it's a little prudishness goes a long way. Keep dodging the kisses and she'll want to kiss you even more.


Just don't do it to the extent she thinks you don't like her... it's a fine balance but I'm sure you can find it.

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Sounds great guys, thanks alot for all the advice.... But the worst thing is, her mom hates me.. but she has never seen me or talked to me... So I thought that was weird.. So when she comes over she has to say she is going to a firends house.. So its hard to get her to come over.... That kinda sucks...

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Well being shy can be a real turn on to women. If a guy is willing to come out of his shell just for a chance with her? That makes her special. Women LOVE to be special.


As for the whole Mom thing... I hate it when this happens it puts a lot of stress on your relationship. I can help bring you together and it USUALLY does, but not for long-term. If you're thinking long-term you're going to have to work it at for it to work... a lot more then you would otherwise. If she's someone you want long-term DO NOT let Mom stop you. Love is worth hanging on to and your sticking around will at first seem like young arrogance but will later seem like undying devotion. Mom will come round.


I hope this helps.

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