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She thinks I don't love her anymore???

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I've been in a LDR for almost a year... and it's still going very strong... we see eachother, so far only twice, but still quite a bit considering the distance of 10, 000 km.


anyway, shes starting to think that i'm not interested anymore, or that i dont love her, just because i've been fairly busy with school, work, etc.


She says I don't prove to her that i love her as much as i used to.


the problem is.. i dont really remember what i USEd to do... i mean, i tell her how much i love her practically everyday through e-mail, phone, msn, text messaging...


How can I prove that my love for her has not changed?

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Do something she'd never expect. Send her a cute card or send her something that she can have as a token of your love that she can actually hold and admire. Texts and emails are nice but they hold no intimate feel to them. Try to begin planning to visit one another. She's probably getting upset that she has a bf but never actually sees him in person. It sounds as if the relationship is at a stand still. Try to do what you can to see each other. That will surely help.

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that is a good idea.. sending her a hand written letter... i remember now.. i used to send little things every now and then..




Oh, but, as for visiting... as much as i would love to... she lives half way accross the world... (i'm in the west coast of Canada, shes in France)

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well, i would say just stay spontaneous. Do things she wouldnt expect and let her know you miss her as much as she misses you from where you are. if its inf act true, let her know that you think about her everyday, you miss her very much and you wish she were there, or vise versa.

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Oh my goodness, I should email this thread to my boyfriend. I've been in your girlfriend's shoes lately and I keep dropping hints and even telling him about how I wish he'd be more affectionate.


My beef is that lately it just seems like we're some old married couple that just say "I love you" and that's it. No other form of expressing it. It's like you already know, you say it and that's it. No creativity. Man I want something so bad, just anything! I wish he could get the freakin' idea, even when I spell it out.


Anywho, i WISH my boyfriend would send me an ecard once in a while, or an email that says "I just wanted you to know ... that I'm thinking of you and miss you right now and know I love you." That's it. Simple and to the point. I also just recently send him a CD of songs I liked, a bit relationshipy, but something I thought he might like since we've been together for ages but never shared music mixes. I also have sent him a card in the mail which who doesn't love getting mail that isn't a bill or junk mail??


I've also sent him a little beanie stuff animal thing which is super cheesy I think to give a guy, but he liked it. I also send him a little pic, wallet size, of us from the last time we saw each other, framed. He keeps it on his nightstand.


Anyway, those are just some things I've done for my boyfriend. I'm still waiting and hoping he'll be like you and think "What can i do to make my giflriend feel loved and special even though I'm faraway? How else can I say I love her?"


You know, what I thought would be cool to do, is to take a few pictures of places you've visited together. Maybe like a little collage or something. Or a collage of places you want to take her next time you see each other ... something to look forward to.


Hopefully some of this helps. it doesn't take much money, if at all to make someone feel special even if they're faraway. Just be creative.

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the thing with me is, what happens when you run out of things? ..how many letters can i send before you get sick of them? or how many times can i say i love you before you get tired of saying it. i drop my girl messages everyday. when she gets home its in her email or as an offline message on the Instant messenger. its like leaving her a small bit of our love story everyday. But i dont know what to do once i run out of things? do i cycle through techniques? or do i absolutely have to think of new ones or something? i can send letters, and emails, and messages, and say it over the telephone. but...how long can i keep that up before i run out of things. I can get creative, but right now i dont exavtly have an oppportunity to be creative around the hosue or anyhitng because we odnt live together and we rarely come around each other. what do you guys do? being that you're older than me.

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If i tell her she will DO all this, but I want her to do it cos her heart tells her, not because I tell her, know what I mean ?


Ha, I feel exactly the same way. It's just not the same when they do it because they're told. The only way to tell them without telling them is maybe get one of their friends to tell them.


I was going to ask my boyfriend to send me some flowers for my brithday last month, but some crap hit the fan and I didn't ask. He didn't send me or wish me a happy birthday because he was sick and was all pissed at me. It was major drama. I don't know if he is still going to send me something for my birthday, but I have a feeling I'll get a cd of some sort. I wish he would remember how much I want flowers. I don't care that they don't last, but I've never received flowers before.


As for being creative and trying to come up with new ideas. My suggestion is don't do cute things all the time. Do it once in a while because if you keep doing it, like once a week, it'll wear off and it won't be cute anymore.

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"As for being creative and trying to come up with new ideas. My suggestion is don't do cute things all the time. Do it once in a while because if you keep doing it, like once a week, it'll wear off and it won't be cute anymore."



That is EXACTLY my problem... Stuff just isn't as cute as it used to be.

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Yeah, even every couple weeks, once a month would make her happy. At least that would make me happy.


A movie clip is a great idea. My boyfriend would do that, well he has but it's been months. He'd do a little video of himself saying hi and that he loved me. He'd use his camera phone to do a quick 15-20 second clip.

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hmm... well.. i guess sending things more often might work... but it's all been done before... e-cards, real cards, even poems...


however, the video idea sounds good. I've just been so busy... although.. i guess if i have enough time replying on "enotalone"... i should be able to make time for my fiancee.



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dawesy38 ... i sent you a pm, but i think you don't have enough posts to get pm's yet.


anywho, i found this site last night and came accross tons of ideas you can use to show your girlfriend you love her. i think i'm gonna use some of these myself!


hope it helps


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  • 4 weeks later...

Even if you've been together for awhile, girls still like girly romantic things like flowers... you can probably find a florist in her area online and pay for them to send a bouquet on your behalf.


Even a silly gift works wonders. We both cheer for the same soccer teams, so he gave me a little pillow with their logo on it. I sleep with that thing every night! Ditto the cute stuffed animal he's given me.


Sometimes the classics are good because they work.

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