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wat should i do?

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i got this date to a movie with my friend and his g/f and the girl i'm bring wanted to bring a friend with her, and i'm debating should i say yes she can come or no... cas i want to ask this girl out, but with a friend there, it'sgunna be kidna hard, but then again, if i do it in front of her friend that'll prove i got alot more guts but should i let her bring her friend or not

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bit impatient are ya? Well I say that you tell her that the friend can come. I think it would seem rude to tell her you don’t want her friend there. I see where your coming from, as it may be hard to ask the girl out with her friend there, but hey as you said it takes balls to do it infront of her friend.

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well, her bringing her friend could be a positive thing and you should probably say yes. because that means she's probably nervous and/or happy about going out with you and she may need a friend to acompany her and help keep her calm and cool for you. not in a bad way but because she could be so excited about it. And saying yes to the friend would show her you're willing to accept her and her world, you know? you're cool with her friends, and her. it shows a sign of consideration and kindness.

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I would say to her "Of course I don't mind you bringing your friend along, however, I was kinda hoping I would be able to get you to myself, does that sound selfish?" and look all cute. Its then up to you to lay your cards on the table and let her know you want her as a 'date' not as a 'group thing'.


sometimes we can be a bit oblivious unless its spelt out for us. I have had a guy say "I fancy seeing that new film, you fancy it?" and I have said "oh yeah, I will see who else wants to come!" and the guy has said "oh alright then..." if he had of said "Do you fancy coming with me?" just changing the words, or "shall we both go together?" then I would have said "Yes" and not even assumed or thought about inviting anyone else.


Hope you have fun

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