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I though I met the man that I wanted to spend the rest of my life, with come to find out after our Vegas trip, well on Memorial Day he broke with me over the phone.


Our relationship was a distance relationship. We had met about 10 months ago at this training and kicked off from practically day one. After our training we decided to continue to see one another even though we were 200 miles away. I would drive down to see him every other weekend. Granted I would drive due to fact we was only off every other weekend and the weekend he was off is when he had his 3 other children. Which I miss so much, and I feel so bad that I will never see them again.


I thought everything was great up until Memorial Day weekend, when I didn't hear from him. I tried calling or even texting and that's all the form of communication that I got from him was that. I had text him what are you doing and he said cooking out..and I had texted back oh where.. and then really all hell broke lose from there..asking me why I was asking, like I was checking up on him or something. I thought it was just a simple question, I really rarely never ask..but I was bored that day...not feeling good at home and thought I would text him...since he wasn't calling.. Note: we would talk to each other day at least twice or three times a day.


But when I did finally talked to him on Memorial Day...he just had this attitude with me..and I said what is wrong..and bammmm. He just started whaling on me..how I thought his kids were out of control..and he said that he didn't make me happy...which was a complete lie. I loved those kids as if they would of been my own.


But thing is he had the nerve to text me and ask me how my weekend was. Of course I was sucked in and replied "Thanks" and later texted him, why are you texting me? Then he replied...you are right, i'll leave you alone.


But later called me...but I told him he can't go on like this..my emotions and feeling are torn and I'm hurt. You were the one that wanted to break up with me. I told him that I love him and I do miss...but I never really got a reply. Other than I have to go..and my last words were bye to him.


I know deep down that it really wasn't meant to be and that there's a reason why we're not together.


But I think he made a mistake, and realized he messed up. But I'm not going back to have later be thrown into my face. I put 100% into this relationship. I've never been married and have no kids..and I put myself into his feet first with his kids and note he was divorced twice. I accpeted him and I took the whole package.


Right now..I'm in shock and all I think about is him. Asking why God..why do I have to go through this. When is it going to be my turn for happiness?


I've been trying to keep myself busy..and I guess I'm lucky that I don't have to run into him..but I stare at my stupid cell phone wondering if he's going to call. I just want to fade and disappear, and I know it won't go away that quick. But I can't stop crying..I feel like a basket case.


I know I deserve better and somthing greater, someone who'll love me for me and not run when a curve ball is thrown at them.


I just don't know why he did what he did.

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I thought everything was great up until Memorial Day weekend, when I didn't hear from him. I tried calling or even texting and that's all the form of communication that I got from him was that. I had text him what are you doing and he said cooking out..and I had texted back oh where.. and then really all hell broke lose from there..asking me why I was asking, like I was checking up on him or something. I thought it was just a simple question, I really rarely never ask..but I was bored that day...not feeling good at home and thought I would text him...since he wasn't calling.. Note: we would talk to each other day at least twice or three times a day.


But when I did finally talked to him on Memorial Day...he just had this attitude with me..and I said what is wrong..and bammmm. He just started whaling on me..how I thought his kids were out of control..and he said that he didn't make me happy...which was a complete lie. I loved those kids as if they would of been my own.


i'm so sorry you're sad.


a lot of times someone who wants to break up with his significant other will take something small and blow it WAY out of proportion, using it as a jumping-off point to break up because he's too scared to bring it up any other way. it also helps him justify what he wants. i know it happened to me, and i ended up feeling terrible because i felt like these little arguments had put him off and made him leave me. but it's just not that.


unfortunately, he's probably been unhappy or having doubts for a while. there's nothing you could have done to remedy the situation, especially since he wasn't even willing to talk issues over with you before they bothered him enough to want to break up.


it's too bad he can't tell you what's really wrong, but at this point he probably doesn't even know entirely.


hang in there...!

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It'd be interesting to find out what caused his previous 2 marriages to fail.


he sounds like the type to bottle things up until its boiling over. That's not what you need because it doesn't sound like you're that type at all. I know it's unbearable but you have to keep telling yourself that this is the begninning, not the end.

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Well with his first marriage he was 17 and the story tells it there, he got his girlfriend pregnant and was married to her for about 5 years..then his second, well the cycle repeated itself and only lastet for about 1 or so.


What kills me that he felt like he had a right to text me and ask how my weekend was..Uhhh hello you broke up with me week ago, how do heck do you think i feel. Then call me later...I told him I can't go on like this and what do you want from..cause obviously you made it clear that you wanted to end this. He was playing with feeling and emotions and for me to move forward which is hard I can't communicate with you anymore. Then acting like yeah your right...nothing else, other than I'm pooring out my heart and getting nothing in return.


I just want to look at the pictures and remember the good times...and for which turns around and makes me cry all other again. I miss his voice and knowing that I'm not going to see him again.


I know GOD willing that there's someone wating for me...that special someone to share my life..though I thought I was really go share my life him. He said he wanted to marry me and that I would be good wife.. What kind of person says that and then leaves.


Gosh love hurts..I know I've experienced so much..you think I be a pro of handling this..the feeling and all the emotions..thinking you can never love again.

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the texting about "how your weekend was" is probably to make him feel like less of a jerk. by casually asking you how you are, he thinks he's being a good guy. after all, he's checking up on you, being friendly, right? [heavy sarcasm.] unfortunately, he's just confusing you. that message was for HIM, not you. he knows he's being an * * *.


He said he wanted to marry me and that I would be good wife.. What kind of person says that and then leaves.


what kind of person says that and leaves? my now ex-boyfriend, that's who. sadly, it seems a lot of people throw out the "i could marry you!" thing and don't really mean it. or they think they mean it, but simply change, or don't stick around because they're not ready.

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