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Okay, I have no problems masturbating. I can come by myself within 5 minutes. But for some reason, I just cannot come with my boyfriend. He tries going down on me, rubbing me, EVERYTHING, and although I feel myself getting close, I can never complete the deed.


Any tips????

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ive never had an orgasm with my boyfriend. that sounds lame, but its true. and weve been sexually active for over a year. thast teh same for me, masturbating i can climax easily. try to get him to touch your clit, ive tried wiht my boyfriend and he does but it doesnt feel the same as wehn i do it. all i can say is i dont have a solution, but i do have teh same problem,s o you are not alone.

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Okay I'm a guy, so take this FWIW--


Stop thinking about it.


The more you start worrying over climaxing, the worse its going to make the problem and eventually it'll be one downward spiral.


You'll need to relax.


You're getting close, which is a good thing. Eventually you'll jump that hurdle. But the key is to relax and just go with the flow.

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Lost is absolutely correct about thinking about it too much, but beyond that...


Have you tried being on top? Another that seems pretty universal is to have him kind of grind on your pelvis as you are making love. It's a missionary style, but he will almost be laying completely on top of you (he'll probably have to be up on his elbows so you can breathe though

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if none of these wonderful ideas mayb trying rubbing urself in the spot u want considering u can do urself that fast, and hav him helping u then u can slowly move ur hand aways each time until ur hands are gone and his are the only ones left doing u, ur body might get a bit more comfortable and relaxed for him to do it then, this will take a bit of time though, be patient.

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