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Getting over a crush

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How do you get over someone you like who doesn't have any interest in you?


In the past, I've only gotten over crushes when they were out of my life for good, but this is just killing me, and to deal with this infatuation another year is going to be hard. I doubt the upcoming summer vacation is going to kill it (hasn't worked before, unfortunately; they always resume as normal).


So do I write his name on a piece of paper and burn it? Really don't know what to do...

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give it time...crushes always go away with time

it might take a while if this a guy you really really like...but a couple of years from now (or maybe just a couple of months) you'll look back and go "man what did i see in THAT?"


want to speed the process? tell your friends you want to get over him and hopefully they'll tell you something bad about him...or just think of some negative things about him yourself! are his eyes too close together? does he look old? for example if he looks old then you can tell yourself that you need someone youthful so when you show him to your friends they'll be like DAYYUUUM

...you get the idea

good luck!

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Crushes are only sustained by seeing the person in an unrealistic way. You see everything good about them, some of it true, some possibly not, and overlook the bad.


The best way I have found to get over crushes is to take the blinders off.

Look at them. Start noticing their faults and the things you don't like.


works like a charm

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want to speed the process? tell your friends you want to get over him and hopefully they'll tell you something bad about him...or just think of some negative things about him yourself! are his eyes too close together? does he look old? for example if he looks old then you can tell yourself that you need someone youthful so when you show him to your friends they'll be like DAYYUUUM

...you get the idea

good luck!



The best way I have found to get over crushes is to take the blinders off.

Look at them. Start noticing their faults and the things you don't like.


works like a charm


These two, I feel, are the best suggestions that have always worked for me. They work very, very well, in fact.


Of course, for some people they work better, but it's still a pretty quick and safe way to get over a crush. I say safe because if you start looking at someone else, and the same thing happens, you'll be back to square one.

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