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Boss is driving me nuts!

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It's been six months since I moved into a new position at work, and I cannot stand my boss!! I really need help. image removed


I knew pretty quickly after taking the job that my boss is lazy, self-absorbed and manipulative. Really, he's a deceptive charmer -- he'll sell you snake oil and make you think it's the cure for cancer. He'll create conflict with our department head or another manager (or speak as though there is conflict) so that he can come accross looking like a hero to our department. His priorities at work are (1) build his popularity; and (2) do his personal business. He'll do work sporadically (10 minutes here and there), but constantly say things to people so they'll believe he's working all the time.


I've been trying to be reasonable and cooperative within this situation. I've asked for and taken advice from friends. I'm reading a book about how to work in a hostile environment. I try as best I can to not get sucked into his game-playing. I've acknowledged his strengths. But I admit, I am getting worn out and extremely frustrated. image removed


This week, he failed to complete a fairly big project because -- of course -- he spent his time doing his personal business. Instead of recognizing this and either apologizing OR dealing with the consequences, he came up with a scheme to get two other employees to do a substitute project -- a "new idea" he said. Really, it was a way to get himself off the hook. And then, he joked about it, saying, "Haha, I'm always causing trouble." He told our department head about the change in plans, and he twisted the facts so much, the department head actually complimented him on making a "good call." YIKES.


This happens over and over and over. He either makes light of his irresponsibility (and people amazingly laugh along with him, because he makes it seem like it's no big deal) or he spends time asserting his leadership by blaming other people for problems that arise or outright lying about his own work habits.


Last week, he told me the department boss wanted something done, but he (my boss) had no ideas of how to get it done. I worked out a quick solution, shared it my boss, and he had the gall to say, "That's exactly what I wanted." Like he had any clue!


I can't believe he's getting away with this week after week. I just am at my wit's end. I am working "defensively" all the time because I don't want to get shafted by my boss -- or end up taking on his work because he's doing his personal stuff.


My department head is ineffective, unfortunately, because he's having health problems. So far I have not complained to anyone about my boss, because (a) we're a small office and (b) I've been advised not to by my friends. And my getting a new job would not be so easy, because my field is very small. Oh help help help...


There is one long-time employee with whom I *might* confide, because I know he complained to our department head about something awhile ago. I don't want to create politics, though. But I very much resent working with someone who is both dominating and lazy.


Any advice, including the blunt truth, is welcome. Thanks for reading this.

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Isn't it funny how so many people are successful financially, but total idiots? I say that you suck it up. Whatever his weaknesses or bad qualities are you have to just try to deal with them. Just do your job. If your good work makes him look good, then just deal with it. People like that don't last very long. They end up at another company with a higher title and then rub other people the wrong way. You have been there a short time and just need to do your job. If he is putting your job on the line or giving you a work load that you can't handle, then you may need to seek assistance. I work in a marketing department and my boss is totally cool, but I have a Sales Director that everyone thinks is pushy and egotistical. I am now answering to him even though he is not my boss. I just go with the flow and do my job. I see this guy screwing his regional sales guys, but I have chosen not to get involved because it is not my position to do so. You just have to hope that eventually people will see what you see. Just hang in there and put your time in. I would not allign yourself with this guy, but I would make sure that he thinks you are on his team. He will either fail or will become more powerful and you will be on his good side. Yes, business is tough.

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Sorry yep, welcome to the working world.


In my job I am constantly put down and questioned by authority figures who have no clue what I do or how I do it. They easily fork the blame for things over to me, and I get landed with jobs that are not my own.


And just for extra fun, I have an assistant who is completely useless and 30 years older than me so she believes she doesn't have to take blame for anything though she makes 99% of the errors in my department.


Ah, welcome to work.

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Thanks everyone. I genuinely appreciate knowing I am not alone. (Though I feel sad there's so many of us out there dealing with crappy bosses!)


OK. I'll keep plowing along. I hate it when he lies, and when he does a cruddy job, hoping I'll make up for it. But I guess as long as I can get my stuff done, and not take on his work too, I'll be able to cope.


Clueless, I'm in the communications field.


Ocrob, I appreciate your tip on getting along with him enough, but without selling my soul. That's quite a dance sometimes, but hopefully I'll get better at it as I keep working there.


Beyondthesea and teacup, you have my complete and utter sympathies!!

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