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Being funny

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I'm a naturally funny guy. But just the other day I was talking to my friend and she said she really loves hanging out with me because I make her laugh. But she describes me as 'goofy'.


Is there a way to incorporate your funny side without coming off as goofy or jack***?


Is it just because I'm ALWAYS joking around her and I just need to tone it down a bit? Any help would be most appreciated.

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When I was 22, I won second place for being "Funniest Person" at work in a company of about 2000 people. Controlling my sense of humor has always been hard though, I think the main thing you need to learn (if you feel that you are goofy too often) is that there is a time and a place for it.


When I was younger, I would make jokes all the time, and sometimes people would get angry. I taught myself when to joke based on the other person's demeanor or personality. Timing really is everything.

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I personally LIKE goofy! What's wrong with goofy?


The only thing you have to worry about is if you feel like she means you are annoying-goofy.. but that isn't true in your case if she said she loves hanging out with you.


If you change your humour, she might not love hanging out with you as much!

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Goofy is good. Once you get someone to laugh you have bonded with that person. What you don't want to be is a CLOWN. Show her you have a serious side at times to those things that are important to you. If every time you see her you feel you have to make her laugh then you are pushing. Withdraw alittle when she expects you to be funny and she'll fall in love with you.

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