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Ok. So I met this guy online about 2 weeks ago we had coffee and ended up talking for like 4 hours. We spend like hours talking about nothing on the phone. On the 3rd date we rented movies and I ended up sleeping with him he wanted me to stay over, but I told him I had to leave early( I stayed for a while). He seemed disappointed. He called me the next night I suggested we go out again this week. we went to a movie but I had to make the move to grab his hand, then I decided to not suggest plans and see is he wanted to, so he asked if we could do something this weekend and that he will call me to figure it out, but I keep having to be the one who makes the move physically, which makes me think that we are just friends. He tells me when we make plans wantever I want like day time where we are going etc, he pays even though I still reach for my money and he lets me pay when I insist, he opens the doors for me, walks me to my car etc, but he still is seems like he is holding back on the kissing goodnight or hand holding. I like him and want to see where this goes. my instincts tell me that he wants to as well. but I have that voice in my head telling me that we are just friends with benefits. So my question is this am I being over thinking it? I am willing to approach the I like you do you like me, but i don't know how to bring it up any thoughts?

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I think you could be over-analysing, though I can't be sure. He might just be a very indecisive person and so he doesn't want to set up the date and be forced to decide where it is going to be. Perhaps he doesn't want you to feel like he is crowding you by asking you to be with him a lot of the time and so he leaves that up to you. As for not trying to kiss you or hold your hand; maybe he is worried you might think he is moving too fast? There are some girls who like things to move very slowly and perhaps he is playing it safe with you even though you're not the same as them?

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Maybe he is not someone much into PDA's (Public Displays of Affection) or is a little shy. Or maybe he just does not want to rush things too much.


I don't know, it is only a couple weeks in, and it sounds like you are dating, and getting to know one another still. You as much as him. There is no guarantee it will work out, or not, but so far there is nothing alarming here. Now, since you are sleeping together, I think maybe you might be thinking there should be more...but he may not be there yet. Which is why generally you should discuss exclusivity before you hop into bed!

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It seems like you are rushing things, I mean you've only known him for 2 weeks, let it take it course. Men love a challenge and if you keep having to make all the moves, then it'll end up being boring for him, and he'll lose all excitement. Also I dont think it was wise sleeping with him on the rd nate, that should have been a no no. I agree with RayKay, sleeping with him complicated it, so now ur rushing to try to figure out where u stand. The question to ask urself honestly is can u continue sleeping with him without a commitment.

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