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evry time we have sex on her period....

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so me and my girl have sex on her period regularly. but every once in a while the bleeding is real heavy and it disgusts me.......


2 days ago i did wrestling for a couple hours and then went to work for a few hours, after that i went to hang out with my girl. i was really tired and didnt really want to have sex, but she did, so we had sex. i made sure that she got off to tell her that i was too tired to get off my self.


the next night(last night) her period started and having sex while she is on her period has started to bother me lately, but i had sex anyways, while having sex she didnt seem like she was enjoying it at all, so i talked to her about it, she said she is enjoying it.


so we continue to have sex and she complains of having cramps, so we had to stop having sex, and now she is worried that i dont like her anymore becuase i didnt wnt sex two night in a row, but right before she complained of cramps i started enjoying it and i told her this, but she still says shefeels weird.



i dont know what to do about this situation, i told her not to worry, but she is worrying anyways.

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Hey there,


Have you two tried having sex while in the shower while she is having her period? That helps a lot, the water keeps everything clean, no staining sheets, something about the water being erotic, and the hot water can help with the cramps.

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Please bear in mind that she is moody and hurts during her period.


My gf also asks me at times when she bleeds a lot and hurts. Endophines released on orgasm make her feel better.


She should understand if you do not want to get of sometimes.


Take your time make her feel good and talk to her and agree whether to have sex during her period.


You must talk a lot to each other about understanding everything.

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I think you should tell her you dont think you should have sex at that time, if you dont want to.


Its only a few days, and at least you have spoken to her about it so she doesnt feel that your not interested in HER any more.

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Yeah I agree with minnie. I don't like having sex on my period, even though my boyfriend doesn't mind having sex when I'm on my period. But it's not a big deal if you don't have sex for a few days, I think. Or if you feel bad about waiting till she's done, just don't have sex the first few days when she's heavy, wait till she's almost finished. Then you won't have to worry about a big mess.


Or as suggested, fool around in the shower ... no mess to deal with or clean up.


Just talk to her and do it when she's not about to get her period ... we women can be moody and take things the wrong way otherwise.

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