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Here's the twist...He & I agreed to be friends after a tough break up. I always knew I wanted him back & told him…he told me he hoped we'd eventually work it out, but for now, with all our issues, friends is best. He turned to someone new who is treating him horribly. When she's being nice he calls me a few times a week, but that's it. When he's hurting over her he turns to me, so I get to spend more time with him, but I have to see him hurting.

She dumped him again last Friday night, so we had all weekend and Monday after work to just do friend stuff...dinners, driving around, & lots of just late night talking on the phone.

Well, she called him yesterday and yanked him back in. I know it's his own fault for putting up with it, but I keep thinking he'll come out from under her spell at some point and I want to be there as his friend when that happens.

When you love someone it's hard to watch them make bad choices, but I so want to believe he'll do the right thing eventually. Even if it's never me again, I sure hope it won't be her.

He called me late last night (guess it's become a habit in the last few days) & since we live really close, he came over and we went to get ice cream. He seemed relieved that she's back in his life, but wary of her pulling this over & over. I just let him talk & we had a good time just laughing about the messiness of coke floats in a moving vehicle. When he brought me home we cuddled for a few minutes and I knew it was the last time I'd see him for a while since she's back.

Still wouldn't have missed a moment of being with him this past few days…how ironic that I have to hope she'll pull this again soon just so I can be with him. Since I love him, tho, I want him to have what he wants & for now that is her.

Wow…I'm either the nicest ex-girlfriend on earth or the biggest idiot!

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I give you props for having so much strength to watch the guy you love be with someone else and be crazy over another girl...But to tell you the truth, if his girlfriend knew the friendship and closeness you and him have, I think she'll just die of jealousy because she obviously doesn't even have a good relationship with him.


For now, it's what he wants, so just be there for him if you can go through with it. He has to care for you greatly to call you and go to you for advice or for when he needs to feel better and have a better day.


You never know, he might realize what he is missing one day and this break up that you guys had might bring you back together and make your relationship stronger.


Good Luck anyways

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