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need an opinion

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age of consent is the age it is considered a young woman or man is able to comprehend the decision to have sex or not. Its really a stupid rule because how can you mark maturity by age? Anyway, expect her parents to be very against it, and like a previous poster said, if they change their minds you could ver easily end up in jail.

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ya i kno, i go to church and she goes to my same church, so i don't really think they would do that, they might jsut ask me to leave her alone, but if she likes me then, she could might could talk ehr parents into it, and i would def not make ehr have sex i'd wait till i knew it was right and only if she wanted to, but she is still young, i'd wait a lnog time so...

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its nice that you say you'd wait a long time, but unless you yourself are a virgin then you will find it pretty tough. Its not because you're a jerk, its just because you're human. There is really nothing you can do about it, the more i think about it...the more im thinking stay away.

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i'm not actually, i messed up with last g/f and i regret it cas we aint together no more, so ya... i wanna wait for this one, i really think she'll work out if she does like me, cas shes the most MATURE 14 y/o girl i've ever emt in my life, and we talk to each otehr very well, almsot like we've ardy started a relationship..

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Alright here i go... im 15 and theres this guy who happens to be 19 and yah he has a bad rep.. plle say hes been with over 20 gurls and hes told me hes only been with 5 then they say he has a kid.. which he totally denys and then they say he was engaged... but thats not mi consern for now. he says he wants to be with me and im a virgin and i dont wanna have sex i dont like it i kno i'll regret it later i jus dont wanna do it now, and he says thats fine with him cuz he hasnt had sex n a year.. well thats wat he says.. but i duno... yah im young and us kids think bout sex alot i admit i do too...its jus how do i kno that hes now usin me for sex... i kno he says he isnt but.. i dont kno... so plz jus help me out...

.... Lilly...

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Lilly09, unfortunately it sounds like he's not the sort of person you want to be in a relationship with. I really advice against it..


Also.. it's technically illegal for him to have physical relations with you since you are under the age of consent (which in most places is 16 years of age, though it may differ where you are), so he should be more careful himself. In any case you shouldn't let him pursuade you into doing anything, if he tries to.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Diablo7000, I think it should be alright. Take it slow, make sure you have permission from her parents, and don't have sex.


As for Lilly09, from everything you've heard about him, whether it's true or not, this guys sounds like a bad deal. I would just stay away from him, even if its based soley on the fact that he's a non-virgin that's too old for you.

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