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at home remedies?

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dont laugh (ok laugh but i have a HUGE zit that wont go away. its on my forehead and its one of those ones that deep under the skin and hurts and will NOT pop.


any suggestions to make this go away? i'd rather not go out and buy zit cream but i will if i have to. what works well?


thanks in advance!

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hey man....

unfortunately, there is no magic lotion or cream that can make a zit as big as you described it go away instantly...


if you try to pop it over and over again, it is just going to get irritated and will actually stay there longer and possibly even leave a scar on your forhead. so i would recomment just leaving it alone, dont touch, dont squeeze, dont pop, just leave it be and make sure you wash ur face regularily...


thats my best advice! good luck my friend

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I agree with Ta_ree_saw, just leave the zit alone and it will go away in a few days. If it really looks bad and you want to get rid of it sooner, you might have to get some OTC zit medication for it.


I have a bad habit of liking to pop my zits. That is not good to do since it leaves scars on your face and causes more acne breakout.

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