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Gona try not to come on agressive this time

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Well i was out for the weekend for the memorial holiday.. the girl i like who i work with was at work friday and we hadnt talked tomuch befor that becuz


she had just graduated and had been going to grad parties and requested off work for 3 days.. Anyways, she comes back friday and we talk and tell each other how our days were.. the whole time we were talking at work she was


twirling her hair and what not constantly playing with her hair.. that was a first for her.. Anyways i decided to not talk to her the whole weekend 3-4


days and monday i text her saying whats up... she replys pretty quick and says nothing much just blah blah and asks how my trip to miami was.. i say good and what not then i say "we should see a movie some time this week" and some other stuff and she relies ya or food! and some other stuff she seemed a lil happy cuz she was saying lol alot and tried to be funny lol.. but my question is : I didnt exactly scedule a specific date with her.. and i dont want to be aggressive or come on to strong.. so i was thinking of calling her or texting her tomorrow saying "Wednesday at 7pm dinner and then mayb a movie and list the place where we will eat" just to be playful and demanding but in a joking way any other suddgestions? should i wait a lil longer to ask her to the date or what?? comments are really appreciated!!!

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