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coming on too strong

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and then offer to buy them a drink/movie/puppy/ect...

That sounds awesome "hey, i really like you, have this puppy!"


If she was interested, she'll probably make an effort when you withdraw

it really depends on her personality, and how creeped she got.

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Yeah, I'd advise against offering to do more favors for her or asking for more time together as a means of letting her know you're sorry for coming on too strong.



I guess it depends on the situation. If he was scary with it, then definitely not. But if he was just clumsy then I don't see that it would hurt.

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lol to clear anything up it wasnt sexual or anything. We both admittedly like each other alot but last night we were talking about our families and got into sort of pretending what it would be like if we met them. I told her about my aunt's innate ability to predict marriage and admitted that she would tell me whether or not it would work out just by meeting her...


and we talked about how i am not a virgin and she is and whether or not that effects things. I dunno she just seemed quieter than usual, its been around 2 months so its too soon to be talking about alot of this stuff. She hasn't answered my text today (only 1, just saying hey and hope she has a great day) so i dunno, i thought i'd come to you guys lol.

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Ahhh, ok now that you say that, that makes more sense. I agree that the conversation sounds like it might have gone a bit too deep for her comfort, but don't blame yourself, it sounds like that's just how it went. Hmmm.....now what to do? Hope she's not too freaked out....I doubt if she is...you might want to just say something like, "gosh I hope I didn't scare you off the other night talking about that stuff....I was just making conversation....." I'm sure she'll understand, and this will alleviate any fears she might have that your already picking out china patterns and baby names...

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I have a question on this post.. say u think u came on to hard....... and then u act stand offish.. should uwait for her to come to u? or should u randomly be like hey whats up? and see how she responds? im in that situation.. its been about 3-4 days and we work together i have no texted her or called..last time we talked was friday and that was at work.

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