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I want to ask a girl on a date. Trouble is, I won't be seeing her in person to ask her out. It's either by phone or email.


I met her when she gave me some professional advice in the local job centre. We flirted and I missed my opportunity to ask her out. I was hoping to go back and do it later but she's moved to a different branch.


The trouble is that it's been a while (4 weeks at least) since I saw her last so I was wonder if this is too long to wait to ask someone out?


I think I might drop her an email (the cowards way) and gently ask her out.


What do you think?

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How did you get her information? Did she give it to you or did you just go out and get it? You said you meet during a business meeting? It sounds like you might be making this out to be more then it really is.


Have you looked at all the angles? I'm not telling you not to contact her, but maybe you should revisit your strategy...


If you haven't had any contact in 4 weeks you might want to give up on this one. If you really are gun-ho about it. Try emailing her a "friendly" hello email. Don't ask her out on a date. Just say "hi how are you doing? how was the move. Thanks for all the help. How is life treating you..." Something like that. See how she responds. If it's favourable maybe you could suggest too do coffee or lunch some time. Nothing to formal.


From there see where it goes. I think a phone call might be to forward after 4 weeks. Good luck though, I hope it works out for you.

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How did you get her information? Did she give it to you or did you just go out and get it? You said you meet during a business meeting? It sounds like you might be making this out to be more then it really is.


She gave me her information on her card. I did email her previously to ask to meet up again at the job centre for some help and she gave me her number then too. The 'meeting' we did have was really relaxed and we both flirted with each other. I was pretty sure she was interested in me.



Have you looked at all the angles? I'm not telling you not to contact her, but maybe you should revisit your strategy...


I've looked at all the angles which is why I am asking for extra help here!


If you haven't had any contact in 4 weeks you might want to give up on this one. If you really are gun-ho about it. Try emailing her a "friendly" hello email. Don't ask her out on a date. Just say "hi how are you doing? how was the move. Thanks for all the help. How is life treating you..." Something like that. See how she responds. If it's favourable maybe you could suggest too do coffee or lunch some time. Nothing to formal.


From there see where it goes. I think a phone call might be to forward after 4 weeks. Good luck though, I hope it works out for you.


I think I agree. A phone call is a definite no no, and so is asking her out in an email. I just want to test the waters, perhaps drop a hint that I am interested in meeting her again and see how it goes.


I've got nothing to lose and if it goes belly up then I probably will never see her again anyway!



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