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Self-esteem issues- help please :(

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I'm new here, and I don't particularly know how to explain my problem effectively, but I'll give it a shot.


It seems as though I have some sort of insecurity with myself overall. It doesn't only limit itself to physical insecurity, but to overall insecurity with myself as a person.


What's strange is that in my mind, I know I don't have reason to feel this way- I was the top student in my high school and obtained excellent grades in university, everyone I know thinks I am caring and compassionate, I have a sense of humour, and have been told countless times that I am attractive. I don't consider myself ugly...but there are some days when I feel like every other girl/woman out there is more attractive, and will succeed in making me feel bad, taking my boyfriend away from me, etc.


I don't know how to overcome this. This insecurity has caused problems in my relationship, in my daily life, and it's truly becoming a burden on my soul more than anything.


I'd really like some help in learning to know and understand my self-worth.


Thanks so much, everyone.

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Here's a link that might be albe to shed some light on your situation: link removed


I think at one time or another, everyone has felt the way you are feeling.


When do you think these feelings began? Have they always been with you for as long as you can remember, or did begin in high school/college/ or after a certain event in your life?



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fleeting - i think eveything you described sounds pretty normal for someone your age but the possibility is there for something bigger I suppose.


Have you had a trauma recently?


Has gradutating from high school made you a bit reflective or depressed?


I'm wondering if there was a trigger for those thoughts or is it something that's always been there and is growing?

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