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Evening all,


I just wanted to ask your opinions on something. I have posted before about this annoying boy in my class. I'll call him Joe for now.


So Joe is one of my best male friends I know. He annoys me a lot in class, just light teasing and joking around. He's an awsome friend who is always willing to help me and often asks me to sit near him in class.


He's the type of guy anyone can get one with.


So today, we was in class and he asked if I would walk with him to find a teacher so he could get a practice exam paper off her. I agreed to walk with him.


I started saying to him that I wish I have never picked IT as a subject and that I could have done any other course I wanted too.


He replied: "It's because you wanted to be with me! Because you love me!"


Now, he didn't have that serious tone of voice that you would expect, he said it kind of jokingly. Then when I jokingly said back:


"Yeah thats right .. ssshhh though, don't tell everyone!"


He kind of backed off a little? Just said he was kidding, and again it was in a joking kind of tone.


We are always been teased by other people - like teachers, class mates ect .. about flirting with one another and he never seems to deny it.


I just wondered what you thought? He's a great friend .. but I don't know if I could see him as anything more. I wouldn't want to spoil the friendship we have and create unnecessary akwardness.



Thanks for reading,


Miya xx

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Thanks for your replies!


I just wanted to ask. I mean he's quite friendly with everyone and is always teasing me about something.


I wasn't sure if he was just having a laugh with me or if it was his way of trying to tell me how he feels. I just wanted opinions really from a different perspective.




Miya xx

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