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Desperate over lost love of life

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I'm 27. When I was 13 I fell madly in love with a girl who lived just down the road but went to a different school and was about 3 months younger than me.


For various reasons she wasn't attracted to me. We were both shy and I was introverted and a bit weird.


I tried for years because I had that gorgeous feeling of being madly in love. I could not get her out of my head and would have died for her, literally.


I tried to move on an managed to get a girlfriend at the age of 23. I put this girl out of my mind for a few years but now the thoughts of the missed love have come back. I feel like I don't want to be with anyone else and that she is the only one for me.


The last contact I had with her was when I was in university. I got hold of her email address and send her an email, she replied.....once.


I would love to contact her again but don't know if it's the right thing to do. She could be married and that would hurt bad. Also, it's a little weird being contacted by someone who fancied you 13 years ago. I don't know what to do. I feel lost without her even though we never dated. I don't think I can feel this way about anyone ever again so this is my only chance.


What do I do?

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Relax, take it a step at a time. It is normal. We all find the one we really loved but yet we cannot reach out to them. Remember that if you dont tell her how you feel (which she would be dieing to know) then she will never know. Dont keep your feelings bottled up . Enjoy life. What qualities in her did you find appealling? What qualities did she have that others dont? Women come in all shapes and sizes, but they all have one thing in common and that is to be appreciated and loved. When asking her out I would be casual about it at first, for example asking her to be friends. But dont sweat it, if she does not want you then there is nothing you can do about it, but atleast you know as you ponder the dark halls of your home at night....that you tried....


I wish you the best luck

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Relax, take it a step at a time. It is normal. We all find the one we really loved but yet we cannot reach out to them. Remember that if you dont tell her how you feel (which she would be dieing to know) then she will never know.


She knew I liked her. I got her brother to ask her out for me, twice.


Dont keep your feelings bottled up . Enjoy life.


I can't enjoy life at the moment for various reasons. I've waited for love and it's not arrived. I can't wait much longer.


What qualities in her did you find appealling? What qualities did she have that others dont?


She was cute, gorgeously cute, I liked her looks, she was kind, funny, interesting. It was love at first sight and improved as time went on.


Women come in all shapes and sizes, but they all have one thing in common and that is to be appreciated and loved. When asking her out I would be casual about it at first, for example asking her to be friends.


I don't have her number or email and don't know where she lives.


But dont sweat it, if she does not want you then there is nothing you can do about it, but atleast you know as you ponder the dark halls of your home at night....that you tried....


I wish you the best luck


I tried enough when I was around her but that didn't work. Now I'm a different person maybe she will want to at least try, as long as she isn't married, dead or out of the country. Sometimes I feel like I can't live without her and am desperately sad for not having the chance. Why is life so cruel to me?

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May-be if her parents still live in the same city u could call them up and ask for her e-mail or ph#. If not there is always that web site can't remember the name but u see it all the time asking if u want to find a old friend or lover. That may work also. I think that you should try to get a hold of her and if you do start a friend ship up, see if you still like her. People change over time. At least you will not spend the rest of your life wondering what if. That is the worst, trust me.

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