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How can I not be nervous on your first day of work????

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Heh... this is to be expected. I figure everything I've learned in college... 99% of it won't be used on the job. I feel like a college education only means you are capable of learning job skills. It would be almost impossible to start at a job that requires any degree of specialization and be on top of everything.. and your employer knows this. They aren't going to expect you to know everything from day 1.. and I'm sure they know their employees need training before they can be expected to be productive. So on that not you can relax and think of it as a learning experience

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On your first day, everyone's nice to you. They aren't sure how to treat you, and half the folks wonder if you're the next hotshot while the other half think you aren't.

Enjoy the relaxed feeling of no politics or criticism. Newbies are expected to make mistakes and ask questions. It's a great bubble of safety until they get to kow you. By then, you'll have made some friends and learned the ropes.

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Nerves are totally normal for the first day! It's just like school all over again There are new people, new office politics, new knowledge....try to turn that nervous energy into enthusiasm and excitement!


If they opted to train you, they know you don't know it all, and they don't expect you too either, just show them you are willing, and able, to learn!


Good luck!

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If you're not sure if you're going to remember anything, write it down. That's what I used to do. There's nothing worse than someone constantly asking you about the same problem over and over again.


What sort of job is it?

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If you're not sure if you're going to remember anything, write it down. That's what I used to do. There's nothing worse than someone constantly asking you about the same problem over and over again.


What sort of job is it?

It's an optometrist assistant.

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