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PLEASE HELP! He swore on the baby!

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I need everyone's help. I am 4 1/2 months pregnant with a baby boy and my boyfriend and i have been going through some difficult times the past month or so. Recently he has been so wrapped up with this one guy who is like 27 years old and he is 19 and god knows what they are doing together. He hardly piks up for my phone calls and hardly text back. he says that he doesnt because he doesnt want to hear me * * * * * and complain. See I havent seen him in 2 weeks and he lives 10 minutes away and its because he is so wrapped up with his new friend. I even think he could be possibly be cheating no matter if he is saying he's not and not just with one girl...many girls.! I try talking to him about how i feel and he literally says to me i dont have time for this i dont want to be on the phone listening to this. A long time ago he started smoking marijuna and i had a BIG problem with it. Me and him would get into huge fights and eventually he said okay i swear on the baby's life i will not smoke it again. TODAY i found out he still does. I am so furious i dont know what to do. i can handle him treating me like this cause its me but my unborn son. What should i do about him and this situation? it seems like nothing matters to him but that guy who is a total lowlife.

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I feel really bad that you have such an immature partner when you're pregnant. At a time like this, I'm sure that you'd much rather have someone who you can depend on.


I know that you probably don't want to hear this, but I think you should let this guy go. You've obviously already tried talking to him, and he cuts you off and basically tells you "I don't care about what you're saying". Ouch.


Write him a letter - even if you never send it, it will help you get everything out in the open. But, I do think that you should give it to him. If he knows how you feel and he still acts like an adolescent, then at least you'll know where you stand and can make arrangements for support from other sources.

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I know you probably don't want to hear this, but he most likely won't stick around. I can speak from personal experience. He is scared s***less of the responsibility of being a father. Alot of guys love to sweet talk their girls and make them feel so special, partly so they can get into the girls pants, and partly because they genuinely have feelings(most of the time). It doesn't mean that he doesn't care about you, but now he feels like his freedom is over and he will eternally be tied down to this responsibility.Nevermind that you are the one who will be carrying that special little life for 6 more months, and have to go through the labour and everything that follows. RIght now sweetie, you should really concentrate on your son. push your man to the back burner for now cause when you stress and worry constantly, your baby feels your stress and it is so hard on him worse than it is on you, and it may lead to emotional issues for him later on(once again I can say this first hand). Easier said than done, right? But you really have to try. Oceaneyes has an awesome idea about writing him a letter. And who knows, maybe once your son is born your man may grow up and realize it's not about him, and sorry to say but if not, then who needs him. you will have a newborn to care for,who needs a 19 year old boy as well.

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Yeah, looks like he's not ready to be in a relationship, or even to be a father. I'd say let him go and just focus on you and your baby like suggested. At least do for your baby. The last thing you need while you're pregnant is added stress.


Good luck!

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