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To call or to wait?

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Hi All!


The guy i am interested in..we had a great date (friday) and he called me today (saturday) to tell me he was unable to come to the movie, as he caught a greyhound bus, to go home and visit his mom, for mother's day. (she lives a ways away.) Which is i think is really really sweet. I am not upset about that...i am pretty impressed that he is taking a greyhound to go visit his mom for mother's day.


What i am worried about is this:


His baseball game was cancelled and stupid me, i forgot to ask him why they cancelled it....and now i'm wondering if it was truly cancelled, or he is just saying that...like is he interested in me or not?! Like the game is Monday....*sighs*.....and when he called he didn't say he would call and i didn't say i would call....and i would prefer he would call me...any ideas???


Think he will call?





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Do you have his home phone number? If you do then I would keep phoning throughout the day until you got hold of him and ask him if he still wants to go out.


If you don't take turns in contacting him he'll think you're not interested.

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The guy i am interested in is at his mom's place for mother's day. She is like in another city...so i do have his home number, but i am unable to call him, as he isn't there.


It's just i don't know if he will call me or not. He didn't say he would, i didn't ask. And i didn't say i would call him. Though like you said Tigris...we should take turns and technically it is my turn to call him. (i'll have to call him when he gets back from visiting his mom...whenever he catches from his mom's town to back here).


See the thing that gets me, is i don't know how he feels about me...and for some reason...i really want to know.


Think i should call him when he gets back from visiting his mom???



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I think you might just want to slow down a bit and give him a chance to call you, it's just the beginning of this and you need to be confident enough to see if he makes the effort to call you again..


this is the classy thing to do, if come wednesday you haven't heard from him, you can always call him at home and say, "I was just thinking about you, how was your trip home?"


And talk to him without any pressure or expectations about when you will see him again, this way you can get a "read" on how he "sounds' on the phone, and if he's not making any "effort" to see you, then you have to let go, and know that it might not work out how you are "expecting" it to, but it will all work out the way it is "suppose' to for the best for YOU, no matter which way it goes..


being confident, and not too needy, and friendly, and joyful is so attractive, so be this way, you are wonderful and if someone can "see" this than that's great, but don't try to "point it out to him".. let him do his own discovering...


He didn't say he would call, but that's okay, just let it be, he also didn't say, "call me" so just wait till Wednesday and see how you feel about making the friendly call I suggested above, remember "easy does it" and if it's 'meant to be it will be".. try not to "read" too much into his baseball game being cancelled, and I'm off the thought that if a guy wants to talk to me or see me, he will find a way to do so, and call me.. I don't like calling guys, I feel like you went out with him, had a nice date, he did call to say he was at his mom's and couldn't go to the movie, so he can also call if he wants to see you again.. if you start calling him you might not know where he stands and he might just want to be polite if you call, so I'd wait it out a bit, and let him call you... don't you think?

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I agree you should wait a few days and see if he calls you. His family, etc are probably on his mind right now.... Try not to "figure out" if he likes you. Just enjoy it. I went out on dates with this one girl and I could tell she was insecure and trying to figure out if I liked her... It was a bit of a turn off actually...

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