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Im only 20 and in the past 8 months ive have delt with these stupid relationship games with 3 diffrent girls. One minute they are into one minute they arent, why cant people make up their mind? I have no patience for it anymore, im tired of having my emotions go up and down over this stupid shit. I would say screw it and just not even date anyone for awhile but im not happy being alone right now. Is it just girls around my age that play these games, do people grow out of it? I mean is their anyhope for the future or is this something I should expect my whole life. Any advide would be great.



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Honestly, it doesn't matter if you're male or female - everyone plays these games at some time and it doesn't change the older you get either! It sux that people do it and can't be honest about their feelings! I guess my best advice is not to let it get to you - don't let them mess you up! Realise when someone is doing that and get out of it...You can't rush people to change their minds about u...guess life just doesn't work that way...some people need time to decide what they really want and some of us never figure it out! You're only 20, guys and girls still want to have fun and "playing the field" if you like and are still seeing what's out there - maybe that explains what you say how it seems some girls can't make up their minds. You're only 20! Go out and enjoy yourself and don't stress bout this so much!

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