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I've had this problem most of my life: I'm not able to talk to my step-mom(about anything!). Even when I really want to talk to her about something. She's very strict and we've never really gotten along. She even kind of frightens me sometimes! But that's probably most parents huh! I just have a really hard time talking to her about things that bother me, things I want to do, or things that I'm excited about doing, etc. If anyone has been in this situation and can offer some advice, please do. There's something that I've been aching to talk to her about, it's good too, but I never know when to bring it up because she's always in a bad mood, or so it seems.


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Can your father help? I had a really hard time talking to my step father and so I asked my mother to bring up some of the issues I was having with him first, so when we talked he wasn't caught off guard. It turns out he was just as scared to talk to me. Being able to share your feelings with someone takes practice. Can you start off small...just light talk and then as you grow more comfortable move onto more charged issues? Step situations are delicate--I know it's really hard but have faith.

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Maybe you should try hanging out with her more and finding out more about her?


If you don't have a stable foundation, a relationship will never be all that great.


Tell your dad about it though...maybe he can talk her into being a little more easy on you and trying to be your friend?

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Thanks, I'll try getting my father to help out, but in many cases he feels the same way. We both put off telling her about stuff until it's almost too late. I just wish it wasn't so hard to talk to her! I would really like us to get along, but we haven't gotten along very well in all the fourten years I've known her. A friend of mine said that when she moved away from her family, she and her mother got along a lot better than when she was at home. I hope so, because I'm only going to be around this area for a month or less. Thanks again!


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