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At the beginning of the year my girlfriend dumped me. The following posts explain the situation:






Now 4 and a half months later, I am celebrating my birthday today. Sure enough, the dreaded phone call came to wish me a happy birthday. I already knew that she was seeing someone else, and true to form, she didn't hold back in telling me how great it was. However, when she did, something totally unexpected happened. I didn't get upset. Or at least, nowhere near to the extent that I thought I would. I ended up saying how happy I was for her and thanking her for the birthday greetings.


Upon reflection of the phone call, I came to the conclusion that a lot of the inner strength that I exhibited during the call had at least partially come from what I have learnt off this site. I would just like to take the opportunity to thank all the kind people who took the time to read my posts and offer me advice and perspective when I needed it the most. My situation was a bit unusual (dumped over the phone/email, whilst away from home for three months for work).


Whilst I acknowledge that I still have a way to go, hopefully this will be my last post (at least as a dumpee), as I start to pick myself up and move on.


To all those still suffering from rejection, or hurt, or abandonment, please don't give up hope. There is light at the end of the tunnel, even if it's hard to see at the moment. I wish you all the very best, and hope that someday you can write a post just like this.


All the best.



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Hey AT95, Glad to hear that you are progressing along nicely in your healing state. There is nothing better when you look back at one of your ex's and you finally have no more feelings for them...


Good luck with the rest of your healing

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Hi at95,


Congratz on making so much progress moving on Thank you so much for giving me hope cos i am still feeling rejected/abandoned/extremely hurt after over 2 months. I do hope i can become as strong as you have very soon and post a similar thread

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I feel all you brothers out there as I am in the same boat.. except that my relationship was lasted 2 months and she was my first GF first woman I have ever loved. very happy for my hommie "at95" that he has moved on and back on his feet. I am still moving one.. it has been 3 weeks for me so far of NC and feeling come and go, but not as frequent. I don't cry for her anymore. time is all it takes I think, and trying to realize the you deserve someone better, if you were like me with your girl (always nice to her.. agreeing to whatever she wanted and cherished her every day and saying how much you loved her and she took it all for granted and said she needs space) then you know she didn't deserve your love, find someone who does. I am dating other women now and the mistake I am making is comparing them with my ex and obviously when you have feelings for your ex no woman can be like her. forget about your ex and start fresh.. that's what I am trying to do.


" Yeah, this that bounce right here

Come on now

Time to move on, time to be strong

Don't stop now straight to the top now

Someone who truly understands, how to treat a man

This is what I need"



stay strong my brothers

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