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Who do you turn to?

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my best friend has gone away and won't be back for some time. normally we would tell each other about things in our lives that are important as soon as we can but contact is limited and what i have to say cannot be done over the phone. its a really big deal for me and i need to confide in someone but i don't know who to turn to!


i live with someone who is a good friend of mine and would be the next logical choice to go to, but im not sure if they are trustworthy of my secret. i feel like i'm going to burst if i don't telll soon!


should i confide in this friend or just keep it to myself? much appreciated if anyone could advise.

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Hey there,


I suggest you go with your instinct. I mean you might regret telling this friend if you feel slightly unsure about the trust issue.


As for talking about it, is there anyone at work or home or another friend who you could possibly confide in?


How bad is this secret?


Miya xx

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well i hate to sound dramatic but my secret is pretty life changing! i don't know, maybe its best if i don't tell this person. but the reason i didn't want to post it here is because 1. it won't affect any of you (!) and 2. i think i need a more personal chat about it. it's more of a confession than a secret anyway.


it may sound silly, but does anyone know that website where you send a postcard with a confession on it and they show it on the site? even that would be a help!

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I agree about going with your gut - its usually right even if we cant see the reasonse why immediatley in front of us. I wonder if its not so much this friend keeping it to themselves as you are scared of being judged.


If that is so then maybe a forum like this would be the best outlet, also often you find that third parties can have a good look at a situation because they are not emotionally involved in it. Hope that helps.

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