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We both love each other and she wont come back

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My heart is broke.

I have never been in so much pain in my life and I can honestly say Rebbecca was the one, we were together 4 years. I played onling games for the last year of our realationship, and spent hardly anytime with her, she told me many times she needed more from me but I was truly addicted to this game and didnt even see her dying inside. When she left it was a quick break-up, she said she couldnt stay with me because she loved me, but needed to find someone that was more like her, IE i never spent anytime with her because of the stupid game. I have seen her a couple times in the last two weeks she has been gone and I see her cry as soon as she looks at me, she is in love with me without a doubt, and she even says she would stay with me if we hang out, and she wants to expierence life. I am 27 she just turned 21. I recently realized what the game has done to me, only recently did i stop playing the 6-10 hours a day I was playing it, I completely deleted the accounts and the game from my life. It was one of the scariest things of my life, I have never been addicted to anything until that game. I love this woman with every part of my soul there is nothing i wouldnt do for her, but this comes a little late. Last week when she come over to pack up some items she had a hicky on her neck, I reacted of coarse. First it was pure anger, i never hurt her or touched her but i was so mad, then i realized she is her own person and then i went into pure pain, true pain that made me fall to the floor, something I will never ever forget. We both cried our eyes out hugging kissing and wishing everything was okay, she wanted to spend a evening and pretend nothing was wrong, im gasping for air and crying as I write this. we did we made sweet love, i guess that may have been our break up sex, it was wonderful, she left that night, its kinda blurry after we made love. We have 3 rings, a engagement ring and two wedding bands, and she picked them all out, I asked her too return them and after a week she said she couldnt do it, that would be to permenant. I call her and write her but she does not respond, I think she is envolved with someone else, in whick i do not blame her, but I hardly sleep, i barely eat and all i can letaraly do is think about this woman. I want her back in my life so much, alot of things have changed in my life in the last two weeks, the biggest was the game being completely taken away. Inow work out, hang out with friends, I live life now instead of sit at a computer and play in a fantasy world. I need advice, what can I do to have her back in my life, as a lover, a friend anything, she means the world to me. Does she still want me, does she still love me, why do I feel like my heart will never heal? I am open to constructive critism and and any advice. I am the kind of man you marry and keep, not the kind to hurt her like I did. she even bought a wedding dress and it hangs in our empty closet. I would take her back no matter what, I love her.


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I am sorry to hear that u r going thru that. It sounds to me like u really love her. Just give her some time and space for now, let things cool down a bit then take it from there. In the mean time take care of yourself, start eating and get some good nite sleep, i know u r upset but dont make urself sick in the process. Its like Jeremy sed, if she loves u then she will come back 2 u.

all the best

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I know how it is. My concentration on my to-be career and obsession with related activities is partially what broke up my relationship. It was really a wake up call. Ironically, since my breakup--literally the day after--I haven't done anything with that field. I sold all related books and everything. I just want to live nowdays. Who cares about jobs and careers when you can't even have the things you love. A game would pretty much be the same I think.


I hope you heal up. Goodluck man

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I have been going out to parties and clubs, and the beach, I cant drink it makes everything much worse so now im a usually a DD. I realize she moved on long before we truly broke up, i just never saw it, I know she didnt cheat, she waited for us to be broke up then there was no turning back for her. I leave for business in a month and a half for 3 years, I am not sure if I will ever see her again and it truly scares me.

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