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Am I ugly?

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Brief background. I'm currently 27 in a 3 year relationship which will end soon.


I used to be really shy but I've come a long way and could easily start talking to a nice girl whereas a few years ago I couldn't even phone a total stranger.


The trouble is that I've got no confidence in my looks and by that I mean my face. I dress attractively (smart-casual) so that's not a problem. I'm just really worried that I don't have the looks to get a nice girl. Sometimes I can look in the mirror and think I look handsome and other times I think I'm the ugliest person alive!


I want to get back into dating and this is the one obstacle in my way.


Help please!

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Snowchild, I could offer to have you send me a picture via email and I would look at it and make judgement - but, come on, please...


I believe that no one is UGLY! We are different and unique and interesting - but not ugly. What I find not attractive another would find beautiful. The goal is finding someone who likes what they see. And you will, you will probably find many...the trick here is having the confidence to attract them and get them to talk to you.


Because lets just face it - CONFIDENCE IS 95%+ of picking up women/men!!!


It sounds like your long-term relationship has done more damage to your self esteem and confidence than is healthy. Start finding ways to boost it - do things to make yourself look better. If you think its your face that needs help - do things to make it look better...get your hair cut, get it dyed, get some sun, use some moisturizer (I know this is a chick thing, just don't get caught...). But above all, make yourself feel good about you - and the girls will fall all over themselves to be with you!


Good luck

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Just a thought to keep in mind... If you are really looking for a nice girl, you'll find one. If for some reason someone won't talk to you because of your looks, then I guess I wouldn't say they were a "nice girl".


Don't get down, it's not worth it! I don't think I'm any stud-muffin, but I also know that I can find warm loving people that I am attracted to and that see me the same way. So i guess I have no complaints!


Good luck! You are you, that's it. Everyone can find love, but sometimes they're looking too hard!




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i think we all have our own insecurities and it pops up every now and then. how you dress sometimes affect your attitude and confidence. if you know you dress good then you must look good. forget about what you think you look like...sometimes its all in our heads. my advice is for you to go out there and face the world.

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No one in the world is ugly. Everyone is Beautiful in there own special way. You just have to find that person that falls in love with that wonderful smile and those Beautiful eyes. Trust me she is out there. You will find her!

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First off, you should never put yourself down. B/c for one reason you have to love yourself first before anyone can love you. Everyone is not made to attract everybody nor look alike. Be happy with yourself. In life you may not get the opportunity to get up with everyone you would like to b/c maybe they look for another objective. Could be good hair, pretty eyes, a pretty smile, so on & etc. You can't please everyone with your looks. Just keep yourself up and if you do happen to get with someone and they are about looks then up and leave them. Because they have the problem. Maybe they are insecure, just NEVER BE INSECURE ABOUT YOURSELF!


Keep ya head up


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Thanks for everyone's uplifting comments. You are all right, of course.

I just need to go out there, be confident and the right girl will arrive and my minor insecurities (they used to be huge when I was younger but that's another story!) will fade away.

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