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So i know this is a silly question, but do you guys think it's normal to be confused about the break up about 6 weeks after? I have to say I feel much better, but although I know my ex was a jerk and did crappy things, I still miss him and wonder if I'll ever find someone with the good (not the bad) qualities he had. Is this normal?

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Totally normal to feel conflicted like this. Thinks of it this way - when I got my current job - a better job - I had to leave a workplace that I loved but wasn't letting me advance in my career. When I left, there were moments that I missed the people, the work, etc. I never considered going back though. I just had to realize that I would miss it for a while. Change is hard. It takes time.


I quit smoking because it was good for me. But, I still miss a smoke when I have a good beer.


BTW - for a better perspective - who broke up with who?

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It's totally normal, don't worry. How long were you going out for? I think the amount of time it takes to get over something depends on how long you were together. How many boyfriends have you had? It's easy to worry that you won't find anyone else with the desired good traits, but I think you'll be pleasantly surprised to discover that you can!

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So i know this is a silly question, but do you guys think it's normal to be confused about the break up about 6 weeks after? I have to say I feel much better, but although I know my ex was a jerk and did crappy things, I still miss him and wonder if I'll ever find someone with the good (not the bad) qualities he had. Is this normal?


Completely normal, you are confused because you miss the good things he had, and overlook the bad. So you feel like if breaking up was a mistake.


Perfectly normal.

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Thanks everyone, it's good to know that there are others out there who feel the same weekends are hard for some reason, like tonight I am crying and I get pissed because I miss him and I know we'll never be together again and I know how silly this is because it just wasn't meant to be, I'm just lonley I guess.

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