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what the hell does this mean...

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yeah, i just don't see ever doing that with someone i loved. i don't think i could do it. you know breaking up for no good reason. it doesn't really bode well for you two, but i don't know maybe other people think differently. so i hope it works out for the best!



ive just come the the conclusion college sucks haha. we'll see what happens...if i remember ill send you a pm or something periodically(if your interested...)

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Hey Jeeper, fyi, when I was going off to college I was in a similiar situation, had a boyfriend, but I so wanted to be 'free" when going off to college...but I did love him.. I remember thinking "I wish I could "freeze" him and go off to college have some fun, not worry about "us" and then when in a few years just "thaw" him out and marry him"... I know it's silly, but I knew he was a "catch" and that he really loved me, but the "newness" of college seemed so exciting and I just wanted to experience being on my own, no one to answer to...but I have to tell you, he was so mature about it, he never asked me to "define" exactly how I felt...and when he said to me: "I do love you too, but I guess we're both off to a new adventure" well, I never forgot him saying that, and it made me think about him more and more..and how much I knew he loved me... and I remember thinking "isn't he going to be upset about my wanting to just be friends for now?" yeah sure he was.. but he was so smart to just let me go with his loving, kind, mature words.. and ya know what I did end up married to him.. years later... we were married for fifteen years, are now divorced but are still very close.. he's still the great guy he was many years back.. I was so lucky... and yeah he was too.. I'm only telling you this because if he had "pushed to hard to get me to tell me exactly what I wanted" well it would have made me nervous and made him seem to insecure.. he simply let me know he loved me and that we will see what happens.. and he was never, ever.. a doormat.. if I was home for holidays, he would call and say "are you seeing anyone, have you met anyone because if you have then I don't want to see each other right now"... he took care of his own heart first and that is the right thing to do.. it made him all the more attractive to me in the long run... good luck, let us know how you're doing...

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Thanks a bunch blender! basically i want to do what your guy did...would you suggest sayin anything in particular to her?


the last thing i said to her that seems similar to what your talking about was "you were right, everything is going to work out for us."

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Yes, I did see other guys, ya know, it's all about the "phases" we "need" to go through, your really are "powerless" over this, and when we "accept" that the ONLY thing we have power over is how WE behave ourselves, well then we can be decent, kind, smart, and make choices that we are proud of...but yes sometimes we make mistakes, and for now, Your girl needs to some time and space, do NOT take it personally.. it's just what SHE needs right now, and that's okay.. and if you do say anything to her, try to keep the word "us" out of it from now on, you will be more attractive and also feel better about yourself if you start using the words, you, me, when saying to her:


"Whatever our hopes and dreams are, I'm sure you will be okay and I will be okay... we both deserve the best, and we can only do our best to be respectful and honest with each other for today... who knows what the future holds, but whatever it is, I'm ready to meet each new challenge and I know you are too... together or apart.. if it's meant to be it will be."


This way there is not feeling of "pressure" or "expectation" put onto her from you, this way you can really LIVE In honesty and know that life has so much in store for you, more than you can even begin to imagine, so for today, let go and know that all things are exactly as they should be and be excited about whatever the future holds, you are powerless over anyone else, and be in control of your own choices of behavior, because then no matter what the outcome you can "feel good about yourself", and that is where the real miracles come into play....

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Thanks for the tips...ill try and avoid the word us from now on. i dont think that will be too bad for now since i have a feeling we wont have any conversation concerning our futures until the end of summer(that is if we even talk about it...)


if it does come up ill go off of what you said about our hopes and dreams and all that jazz....with my own feelings and all placed in there of course

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Well it turned out really well. i had a lot of fun and so did she. it had its somewhat awkward times...but hey, what can you do i guess huh? only one song made me feel like total * * * *(one of "our" songs) but all in all it was cool.

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