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RE: last post "should i see her...?" turns out sh

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Well how things in this world work out.... it's disgusting. So after 2 1/2 years we broke up. Because she didn't want to be with a woman. I was left heartbroken but i understood her decision and still loved her. And she said the same back to me.


BUT as it turns out...... during the last 1 1/2 years, she's been seeing someone. and recently they jsut MOVED IN TOGETHER. thereforeeeeee, the breakup and also why she kept avoiding to give me her new number after she moved, claiming the phone company hasn't come yet.


Now I'm even more heartbroken. And on top of it all i feel betrayed, hurt, angry, and simply dpressed. Just when you think you know someone and give your heart away. I never saw it coming. Stupid me. Any advice?

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I'm sorry things didn't work out as you had hoped.


It's easy to feel heartbroken right now, and don't get to down, it happens to everyone at some point. Just pick up the pieces, put them back in place and it will heal in time. Don't string yourself out over it, there was nothing you could do, and none of it's your fault. Just try to move past all of that and try to find someone worthy of your love!


Best of luck, we're here!



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