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So....I'm starting this new job today. We thought it may help my boredom of the kids and my life.


But i'm TOTALLY nervous.


Its at my husband's start-up company where there's not really a lot of employees yet. Its a rapidly growing co., but I don't really think I'm qualified for the position he's put me in and it's causing me all kinds of anxiety.


I'm mean, I am going to give it a go. I'm going to do the best I can I'm just nervous because I know I'm not qualified. AND its a job that requires me to talk to people. I hate that!


And straight away I'll be meeting the people behind the accounts I'm managing. TODAY already.


Any advice for a nervous-nelly on day one of a new job??

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i don't think anyone is qualified in a position until they do the job. anyone he hired would have to learn how to do that job so why not you. you can learn the responsibilities of that position just like anyone else can. you could be a customer service rep for years at another company yet still have to learn the same type job all over again just because it's with a new company. each company deals with the same type job differently in some ways. every single job out there...has someone to train you how after being hired. your lucky you have you husband teaching you...that alone should help make you less nervous. enjoy your time out of the house and learn as much as you can about the company.


some people can be hard to deal with but most people are very nice to talk too. you may find it exciting meeting new people. talking/meeting with new people can help your day go by nicely. you don't really want to be alone with no one to talk too.. that would be a long boring day. every job out there you have to talk to people whether it's co workers or customers.



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good advice shyanne- thanks.


I'm really worried I've been out of that world for so long that I'm going to sound stupid and not smart and not very intelligent. Like I've been stunted from too many Barney and Dora episodes.


Thanks for the encouragement. I do know a lot about the company, its the dealing with actual adult people I think I may have the hardest time with.


And as the clock ticks closer to actually having to get ready...I can feel my stomach trying to remove itself from my body...

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Like I've been stunted from too many Barney and Dora episodes.


i know exactly what you mean... that has been my life for way too long now. kids, kids, kids...but they can be fun.


your husband knows you can do it or he wouldn't have given you the chance. you know too but after years at home anyone would feel a bit nervous the frist day. after that, you'll be like a new person... i bet it will be like WOW this is so great....i'm a working person again, dressed to kill. you go get them!

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your husband knows you can do it or he wouldn't have given you the chance.


Good call. And he's a pretty smart dude.


you know too but after years at home anyone would feel a bit nervous the frist day.


Ta - rue daaaat!


Thanks again. Just gotta pull myself together and my heart out of my socks.




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Most people, when it comes to new jobs, are basically thrown into the jungle so to speak. From there, they must try to survive by orienting themselves in the right direction. You will not always be fully trained before the job starts in many cases, so a lot of anxiety is to be expected. Hopefully your husband can assist with the learning curve of the job. Good luck!

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